[WWW - 2023.07.31]

Data Element Detail

Pregnancy-estimated duration (at the first visit for antenatal care), completed weeks
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 041488 v4
Data Element
Data Element
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
The estimated duration of a pregnancy in total completed weeks, on the day of the first visit for antenatal care.
Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)
Pregnancy duration at the first antenatal care visit
Gestation at first antenatal visit (QPDC); Estimated gestational age in completed weeks at first antenatal care visit (NHDD)
Representational Attributes
Numeric Character
Permissible Values


Valid range 00 - 46
Supplementary Values


99Not stated/unknown
Collection and Usage Attributes
The day of the first visit for antenatal care is the day of the first contact with a midwife, clinician, or other recognised health professional where antenatal care was provided. It does not include a visit where the sole purpose of contact is to confirm the pregnancy, or those contacts that occurred during the pregnancy that related solely to non-pregnancy related issues. It does not include a first contact after the onset of labour.

Antenatal care visits are attributed to the pregnant female. The duration of the pregnancy on the day of the first antenatal care visit is the same as the gestational age of the fetus or baby.

There may be one or more revisions of pregnancy duration after the first antenatal care visit if a better estimate of gestational age of the fetus or baby becomes available. Revised estimates are not usually applied retrospectively in antenatal records. The best estimate of pregnancy duration is used to record the gestation at later antenatal care visits and to assign gestational age to the baby recorded at the time of birth.

If gestational age has been revised, a similar revision will need to be applied to earlier recorded estimates of pregnancy duration. Alternatively the pregnancy duration on a specified day can be calculated from the gestational age of the baby at birth.
Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC):
Must be blank if Female (pregnant)-antenatal care indicator = 1 (No).
Must not be blank if Female (pregnant)-antenatal care indicator = 2 (Yes) or 9 (Not stated/unknown).
Must be less than 46 or 99.
To be collected at any time during the pregnancy or birth episode after the best estimate of gestational age has been determined. When gestational age is calculated using the first day of the last normal menstrual period, the first day is counted as day zero and not day one. Therefore, a 25 week, 5 day fetus is considered a 25 week fetus (25 weeks is equivalent to: 25+0 days or 25+1 day or 25+2 days or 25+3 days or 25+4 days or 25+5 days or 25+6 days).

The method of data collection will usually be from health records of pregnancy and/or birth.

Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC):
The valid range of completed weeks for pregnancy duration at the first visit for antenatal care is 00-46.

Perinatal National Minimum Data Set (NMDS):
The valid range of completed weeks for pregnancy duration at the first visit for antenatal care is 3-46.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesData ElementData ElementPregnancy-estimated duration (at the first visit for antenatal care), completed weeksQH 041488 Version 3Superseded
Is qualified byData ElementData ElementPregnancy-antenatal care indicatorQH 041088 Version 1Current
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)QH 020003 Version 2ConditionalCurrent01-Jul-2019
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementQueensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC) Mother Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2019-2020QH 020569 Version 1ConditionalSuperseded01-Jul-201930-Jun-2020
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementQueensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC) Mother Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2020-2021QH 020711 Version 1ConditionalSuperseded01-Jul-202030-Jun-2021
Source and Reference Attributes
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
METeOR data elements:
Pregnancy-estimated duration of pregnancy at the first antenatal care visit, total completed weeks N[N], identifier 732905, Health standard 03/12/2020
Pregnancy-estimated duration of pregnancy at the first antenatal care visit, total completed weeks N[N], identifier 695410, Health standard 12/12/2018 https://meteor.aihw.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/695410/meteorItemView/long