[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 040599 v1
Data Element
Data Element
Classification of a patient's care type based on characteristics of the person, the primary treatment goal and evidence.
The Australian National Sub and Non-Acute Patient (AN-SNAP) Classification System is being implemented in Queensland public hospitals to better inform service planning, purchasing, and clinical management. Currently sub and non-acute patient (SNAP) details are collected only for those patients in designated SNAP units.

The scope of this collection includes all admitted patient episodes where the patient's episode type is not acute, newborn, boarder, organ procurement or other care, and the ward (either at admission to the episode or through a ward transfer during the episode) is assigned to a designated SNAP unit.

A new item, standard ward code, is to be assigned a value of 'SNAP' for those wards which are assigned to a designated SNAP unit. Patients should have SNAP details reported for each sub and non-acute care type (SNAP episode) within an episode of care.
SNAP care type
Representational Attributes
Permissible Values


GAOGeriatric Evaluation and management - assessment only
GEMGeriatric evaluation and management
GSDGeriatric evaluation and management - planned sameday
MCOMaintenance - convalescent care
MNHMaintenance - nursing home type
MOTMaintenance - other
MREMaintenance - respite
PALPalliative care
PAOPsychogeriatric - assessment only
RALRehabilitation - amputation of limb
RAORehabilitation - assessment only
RARRehabilitation - arthritis
RBDRehabilitation - brain dysfunction
RBURehabilitation - burns
RCARehabilitation - cardiac
RCDRehabilitation - congenital deformities
RDDRehabilitation - developmental disabilities
RDERehabilitation - debility
RMTRehabilitation - major multiple trauma
RNERehabilitation - neurological
ROCRehabilitation - orthopaedic conditions
ROIRehabilitation - other disabling impairments
RPSRehabilitation - pain syndromes
RPURehabilitation - pulmonary
RSCRehabilitation - spinal cord dysfunction
RSTRehabilitation - stroke
Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
Geriatric Evaluation and Management is provided for a person with complex multi-dimensional medical problems associated with disabilities and psychosocial problems, usually (but not always) an older person.

GAO - Geriatric Evaluation and Management - Assessment only
GEM - Geriatric Evaluation and Management
GSD - Geriatric Evaluation and Management - Planned Same Day

GAO/GEM/GSD includes evaluation and management of younger adults with clinical problems generally associated with old age.

Maintenance is provided for a person with a disability who, following assessment or treatment, does not require further complex assessment or stabilisation.

MCO - Maintenance Care (Convalescent) CLASS
A patient who is admitted post acutely for the purpose of maintaining functional ability to aid self caring prior to returning to the home environment.

MNH - Maintenance - Nursing Home Type
-Care and support of a person in an inpatient setting whilst the patient is awaiting transfer to residential care or alternate support services or where there are factors in the home environment (physical, social, psychological) which make discharge to home inappropriate for the person in the short term.

-Ongoing care and support of a person in a residential setting.

-Patients in receipt of care where the sole reason for admitting the person to hospital is that the care that is usually provided in another environment e.g. at home, in a nursing home, by a relative or with a guardian, is unavailable in the short-term.

-Care and support of a person with a functional impairment for whom there is no multidisciplinary program aimed at improvement of functional capacity.

-Patients classified as Nursing Home Type Patients i.e. when a patient has been in hospital for a continuous period exceeding 35 days and does not have a current acute care certificate.

MOT - Maintenance Care (Other Maintenance) CLASS
A patient who has not qualified as NHT or would normally not require hospital treatment but where there are factors in the home environment (physical, social, psychological) which make it inappropriate for the person to be discharged in the short term. Also includes patients treated in a psychiatric unit, who have a stable but severe level of functional impairment, and inability to function independently without extensive care and support, and for whom the principal function is provision of care over an indefinite period.

MRE - Maintenance Care (Respite) CLASS
A patient who has not qualified as NHT but is in receipt of respite care where the sole reason for admitting the person to hospital is that the care that is usually provided in another environment, e.g. at home, in a nursing home, by a relative or with a guardian, is unavailable in the short term.

Palliative care is provided for a person with an active, progressive, far advanced disease with little or no prospect of cure.

PAL - Palliative care
Palliative care includes grief and bereavement support services for the family and carers during the life of the person and continuing after death.

Psychogeriatric care is provided for an elderly person with either an age-related organic brain impairment with significant behavioural disturbance or late onset psychiatric disturbance or a physical condition accompanied by severe psychiatric or behavioural disturbance.

PAO - Psychogeriatric - Assessment only
PSG - Psychogeriatric

PAO and PSG includes psychogeriatric care of younger adults with clinical conditions generally associated with old age as well as care of people with long term psychiatric disturbance and/or substance abuse.

Rehabilitation care is provided for a person with an impairment, disability or handicap.

RAL - Amputation of Limb
Single Upper Extremity Above the Elbow, Single Upper Extremity Below the Elbow, Single Lower Extremity Above the Knee, Single Lower Extremity Below the Knee, Double Lower Extremity Above the Knee, Double Lower Extremity Above/below the Knee, Double Lower Extremity Below the Knee, Other Amputation.

RAO - Assessment only
The person is seen on one occasion only for assessment and/or treatment and no further intervention by this service/team are planned.

RAR - Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Other Arthritis.

RBD - Brain Dysfunction
Non-Traumatic, Traumatic unspecified, Open Injury, Closed Injury, Other Brain.

RBU - Burns

RCA - Cardiac

RCD - Congenital deformities
Spina Bifida, Other Congenital.

RDD - Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities.

RDE - Debility
Debility, unspecified include only patients who are debilitated for reasons other than cardiac or pulmonary conditions.

RMT - Major Multiple Trauma (MMT)
Brain + Spinal Cord Injury, Brain + Multiple Fracture/ Amputation, Spinal + Multiple Fracture/ Amputation, Other Multiple Trauma.

RNE - Neurological
Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsonism, Polyneuropathy, Guillian-Barre, Cerebral Palsy, Other Neurologic.

ROC - Orthopaedic Conditions
Status Post Hip Fracture, Status Post Femur (shaft) Fracture, Status Post Pelvis Fracture, Status Post Major Multiple Fracture, Status Post Hip Replacement, Other Orthopaedic.

ROI - Other Disabling Impairments
Other Disabling Impairments - cases that cannot be classified into a specific group.

RPS - Pain Syndromes
Neck Pain, Back Pain, Extremity Pain, Other Pain.

RPU - Pulmonary
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Other Pulmonary.

RSC - Spinal Cord Dysfunction
Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Dysfunction, Unspecified Paraplegia, Incomplete Paraplegia, Complete Paraplegia, Unspecified Quadriplegia, Incomplete C1-4 Quadriplegia, Incomplete C5-8 Quadriplegia, Complete C1-4 Quadriplegia, Complete C5-8 Quadriplegia, Other non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Spinal Cord Dysfunction, Unspecified Paraplegia, Incomplete Paraplegia, Complete Paraplegia, Unspecified Quadriplegia, Incomplete C1-4 Quadriplegia, Incomplete C5-8 Quadriplegia, Complete C1-4 Quadriplegia, Complete C5-8 Quadriplegia, Other non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury.

RST - Stroke
Left Body Involvement - No paresis, Right Body Involvement - Other Stroke, Bilateral Involvement.
The codes for each SNAP type are validated against valid HBCIS sub and non-acute episodes types.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
Has been superseded byData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-SNAP typeQH 040599 Version 2Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-SNAP episode start dateQH 041745 Version 1Current
Relates toData ElementData ElementPalliative care phase typeQH 040606 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementSNAP episode end dateQH 040601 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementSNAP episode numberQH 040598 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementDerived Data ElementSNAP group classificationQH 040753 Version 1Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 1ConditionalSuperseded01-Jul-199930-Jun-2013
Source and Reference Attributes