[WWW - 2023.07.31]

Data Element Detail

Elective surgery waiting list episode-number of days not ready for surgery
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 042318 v1
Data Element
Derived Data Element
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
The total number of days that the patient is not ready for surgery.
Elective surgery/Waiting list
Number of days not ready for surgery
Not ready for surgery days, NRFS days
Representational Attributes
Quantitative Value
Permissible Values


Positive integer in the range 0-9999
Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
Not ready for surgery (NRFS) periods are used in waiting list management to indicate that a patient should not be booked for surgery on any day in an NRFS period because they are either personally not ready or clinically not fit to receive their surgery.

The total number of days a patient was not ready for surgery is made up of one or more NRFS periods. The NRFS period is the inclusive number of days from the NRFS start date to the NRFS end date. NRFS periods should not overlap however if this occurs the days are only counted once.
Elective Surgery Data Collection (ESDC):
Must not be blank.
Must be a valid integer.
Each not ready for surgery period should be recorded in the source system, with the reason, start date and end date specified.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesData ElementDerived Data ElementNot ready for care-number of days, totalQH 040943 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementElective surgery waiting list episode-patient listing status, readiness for surgeryQH 041721 Version 2Current
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptElective surgeryQH 040156 Version 2Current
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionElective Surgery Data Collection (ESDC)QH 020110 Version 3MandatoryDraft01-Jul-2021
Information AssetData CollectionElective Surgery Data Collection (ESDC)QH 020110 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201930-Jun-2021
Information AssetData CollectionElective Surgery Data Collection (ESDC)QH 020110 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201630-Jun-2019
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementElective Surgery Waiting List Census Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2017-2018QH 020304 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementElective Surgery Waiting List Census Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2018-2019QH 020427 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201830-Jun-2019
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementElective Surgery Waiting List Census Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2019-2020QH 020568 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201930-Jun-2020
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementElective Surgery Waiting List Census Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2020-2021QH 020682 Version 1MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-202030-Jun-2021
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementElective Surgery Waiting List Removals Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2017-2018QH 020303 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementElective Surgery Waiting List Removals Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2018-2019QH 020429 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201830-Jun-2019
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementElective Surgery Waiting List Removals Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2019-2020QH 020567 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201930-Jun-2020
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementElective Surgery Waiting List Removals Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2020-2021QH 020683 Version 1MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-202030-Jun-2021
Source and Reference Attributes