[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 040941 v1
Data Element
Data Element
Whether an occasion of service is initial attendance during a single course of treatment.
Initial attendance indicator (ODC)
Representational Attributes
Permissible Values


Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
Code 1: Yes
The first attendance under the new specialist or a consultant physician's care would be classified as the 'initial' attendance.

The presentation of an unrelated illness, requiring the referral of the patient to another specialist or a consultant physician's care would initiate a new course of treatment in which case a new referral would be required.

The receipt by a specialist outpatient department of a new referral following the expiration of a previous referral for the same condition(s) does not necessarily indicate the commencement of a new course of treatment involving recording of an 'initial' attendance.
However, where the referring practitioner
- deems it necessary for the patient's condition to be reviewed; and
- the patient is seen under the care of a specialist or the consultant physician outside the currency of the last referral; and
- the patient was last seen by the specialist or the consultant physician more than 12 months earlier; then
- the attendance following the new referral initiates a new course of treatment and therefore an initial attendance.
Outpatient scheduling systems (eg HBCIS-Appointment Scheduling Module) can record a status of 'failed to attend' for a booked appointment.
This distinction between initial and subsequent attendances has resource implications.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

  • 1 - 8
ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-referral receipt dateQH 040929 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNot ready for care-end dateQH 040355 Version 2Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNot ready for care-start dateQH 040354 Version 2Superseded
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptNon-admitted patient care-specialist outpatient service-referralQH 040927 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptNot ready for careQH 040377 Version 2Superseded
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptOccasion of serviceQH 040607 Version 1Retired
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptPatientQH 040378 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementDerived Data ElementNon-admitted patient care-service delivery waiting periodQH 040937 Version 1Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


No Metadata Items
Source and Reference Attributes
Policy Framework for the Management of Specialist Outpatient Services in Queensland Public Hospitals (January 2005).