[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 041641 v2
Data Element
Data Element Concept
A condition or complaint either coexisting with the principal diagnosis or arising during the episode of admitted patient care, episode of residential care or attendance at a health care establishment.
Health services
Other diagnosis, comorbidity, associated diagnosis, complication, secondary diagnosis
Representational Attributes
Permissible Values


Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
Additional diagnosis must be in accordance with the ICD-10-AM Australian Coding Standards. Generally, external cause codes, place of occurrence codes, activity codes, morphology codes and supplementary codes for chronic conditions will be included in the string of additional diagnosis codes. In some data collections these codes may also be copied into specific fields.

The diagnosis can include a disease, condition (including chronic), injury, poisoning, sign, symptom, abnormal finding, complaint, or other factor influencing health status.

Additional diagnoses give information on the conditions that are significant in terms of treatment required, investigations needed and resources used during the episode of care.

The supplementary codes for chronic conditions (U78-U88) are for temporary use in Australia to generate data which will be utilised to review the coding of additional diagnoses.
Queensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC):
Supplementary codes for chronic conditions should be sequenced after all other ICD-10-AM codes giving priority to the reporting of the other codes where the number of fields is limited.
Additional diagnoses should be interpreted as conditions that affect patient management in terms of requiring any of the following: - Commencement, alteration or adjustment of therapeutic treatment - Diagnostic procedures - Increased nursing clinical care and/ or monitoring In accordance with the Australian Coding Standards, certain conditions that do not meet the above criteria may also be recorded as additional diagnoses.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesData ElementData Element ConceptAdditional diagnosis (ICD-10-AM)QH 041641 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementEmergency department stay-additional diagnosis 1 code (ICD-10-AM 10th edn)QH 042213 Version 3Current
Relates toData ElementData ElementEmergency department stay-additional diagnosis 1 code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 042213 Version 4Draft
Relates toData ElementData ElementEmergency department stay-additional diagnosis 1 code (ICD-10-AM 9th edn)QH 042213 Version 2Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementEmergency department stay-additional diagnosis 2 code (ICD-10-AM 10th edn)QH 042214 Version 3Current
Relates toData ElementData ElementEmergency department stay-additional diagnosis 2 code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 042214 Version 4Draft
Relates toData ElementData ElementEmergency department stay-additional diagnosis 2 code (ICD-10-AM 9th edn)QH 042214 Version 2Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-clinical code (ICD-10-AM/ACHI)QH 040100 Version 3Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-additional diagnosis code (ICD-10-AM 10th edn)QH 041646 Version 11Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-additional diagnosis code (ICD-10-AM 10th edn)QH 041646 Version 10Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-additional diagnosis code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041646 Version 12Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-additional diagnosis code (ICD-10-AM 9th edn)QH 041646 Version 9Superseded
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptPrincipal diagnosis (ICD-10-AM)QH 040244 Version 2Current
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptSupplementary codes for chronic conditions (ICD-10-AM)QH 041748 Version 1Current
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 2Current01-Jul-2019
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 1Superseded01-Jul-201530-Jun-2019
Source and Reference Attributes
Independent Hospital Pricing Authority
Australian Coding Standards (ACS) for ICD-10-AM (International statistical Classification of Diseases and related problems, tenth revision, Australian Modification) and ACHI (Australian Classification of Health Interventions)