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Ambulatory clinic types
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
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QH 040761 v1
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Classification of non-admitted patient clinic type, according to the following categories:
C4.1 Allergy
Outpatient services provided by an immunologist or allergist recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised immunologist or allergist. Examples of services provided include diagnostic skin testing and blood testing for specific immune responses.
C4.2 Cardiology
Outpatient services provided by a cardiologist recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or outpatient services provided by a cardiac surgeon recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised cardiologist or cardiac surgeon. Services provided by the clinic include echocardiography for diagnostic purposes but do not include cardiac rehabilitation which should be recorded under Internal/General Medicine if it is provided to non-admitted patients.
C4.3 Clinical Measurement
Outpatient services which may be provided by a range of staff, (nursing, applied scientists, and technicians). This clinic must have a minimum capability to provide ECGs, and typically also provides EEGs and EMGs. Respiratory function type clinics map to this clinic type.
C4.4 Dental
Outpatient services provided by a dentist recognised by the Dental Board of Queensland. Oral surgery occasions of service map to facial/maxillary and thus to Plastic Surgery.
C4.5 Dermatology
Outpatient services provided by a dermatologist recognised by the Australian College of Dermatologists; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised dermatologist.
C4.6 Diabetes
Outpatient services which may be provided by a range of staff such as nurse educators, podiatrists, dietitians, endocrinologists, and general physicians to patients with diabetes or suspected diabetes.
C4.7 Drug and Alcohol
This is an area of outpatient activity which is being de-institutionalised with most service provision now occurring in the community. Outpatient services recorded under this clinic type are provided typically by either by a specialist medical physician recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians or by a psychiatrist recognised by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists; but also include services provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised specialist medical physician or psychiatrist.
C4.8 Endocrinology
Outpatient services provided by an endocrinologist recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised endocrinologist. Where clinics are set up to provide follow-up to diabetes patients only, then occasions of service should be recorded under the Diabetes Clinic type.
C4.9 Ear, Nose and Throat
Outpatient services provided by an ear, nose and throat specialist who is recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised ENT specialist.
C4.10 Gastroenterology
Outpatient services provided by a gastroenterologist specialist who is recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised gastroenterologist.
C4.11 General Surgery
Outpatient services provided by a doctor who is recognised as a surgeon from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised surgeon.
C4.12 Gynaecology
Outpatient services provided by a gynaecologist who is recognised as a specialist by the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised gynaecologist.
C4.13 Haematology
Outpatient services provided by a haematologist or an autologist who is recognised as a specialist by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised haematologist or autologist.The clinic also includes the collection of blood by health professionals from donors at a number of remote hospital facilities which use their own supply as Red Cross Blood Bank supplies are not available.
C4.14 Infectious Disease
Outpatient services provided by a specialist in infectious diseases who is recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised specialist in infectious diseases.
C4.15 Internal/General Medicine (formerly Internal Medicine)
Outpatient services provided by a specialist medical physician or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised specialist medical physician. Some very specialised services are likely to map to this clinic type.
C4.16 Nephrology
Outpatient services provided by a nephrologist who is recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised nephrologist.
C4.17 Neurology
Outpatient services provided by a neurologist who is recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised neurologist.
C4.18 Neurosurgery
Outpatient services provided by a neurosurgeon who is recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised neurosurgeon.
C4.19 Nutrition
Outpatient services provided by a dietitian or nutritionist who is Registered with the Queensland Board of Nutrition and Dietetics. Services may also be provided by diet aides or monitors under instruction from a nutritionist. Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) services for non-admitted patients may be undertaken within the home or in the outpatient setting. Where TPN services are undertaken within the outpatient setting, these services should be recorded as Nutrition occasions of service. TPN services provided within the home environment will be paid as part of the Special Grants component of the Hospital Funding Model, and as such should not be recorded as part of routine data collections.
C4.20 Obstetrics
Outpatient services provided by obstetricians recognised by the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, or midwives registered with the Queensland Nurses Registration Board, or general practitioners recognised by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised obstetrician. Services include ante-natal care and ultrasonography.
C4.21 Occupational Therapy
Outpatient services provided by an occupational therapist who is registered with the Occupational Therapists Board of Queensland. Services include those provided to burns patients presenting at this clinic.
C4.22 Oncology
Outpatient services provided by oncologists and other clinical staff including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, palliative care and haematology. Services may also be provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised oncologist.
C4.23 Ophthalmology
Outpatient services provided by an ophthalmologist who is recognised by the Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists. Services may also be provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised ophthalmologist. Note that means testing of patients should not be counted as an occasion of service. Provision of optometrical aids which are funded under the Special Grants component of the Hospital Funding Model should not be recorded as occasions of service.
C4.24 Orthopaedics
Outpatient services provided by an orthopaedic surgeon who is recognised by the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA); or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised orthopaedic surgeon.
C4.25 Other allied health
Outpatient services provided by allied health professionals not elsewhere classified, including services provided by recreation officers or by medical illustrators and photographers.
C4.26 Paediatric Surgery
Outpatient services provided by a paediatric surgeon recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised paediatric surgeon.
C4.27 Pain Clinic
Outpatient services provided by neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, general medical staff or anaesthetists to patients experiencing chronic pain.
C4.28 Physiotherapy
Outpatient services provided by a physiotherapist who is Registered with the Physiotherapists Board of Queensland.
C4.29 Plastic Surgery
Outpatient services provided by a plastic surgeon or oral surgeon recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised plastic surgeon or oral surgeon..
C4.30 Podiatry
Outpatient services provided by a podiatrist who is Registered with the Podiatrists Board of Queensland.
C4.31 Pre-admission
Outpatient services which may be provided by a range of clinicians such as surgeons, anaesthetists, GPs, non-specialist hospital medical staff, and advanced practice nursing staff. Services include pre-surgical work-ups and assessment, the ordering of tests, patient education, counselling, follow-up and discharge planning.
C4.32 Primary Care
GP/ dispensary type services provided by a medical doctor.
C4.33 Prosthetics
Outpatient services provided by a prosthetist or orthotist who is eligible for membership with the Australian Orthotics and Prosthetics Association.
C4.34 Psychiatry
Outpatient services provided by a psychiatrist recognised by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised psychiatrist.
C4.35 Psychology
Outpatient services provided by a psychologist who is Registered with the Psychologists Board of Queensland.
C4.36 Pulmonary
Outpatient services provided by a pulmonary/ respiratory specialist recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised pulmonary/respiratory specialist.
C4.37 Rheumatology
Outpatient services provided by a rheumatologist recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; or provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised rheumatologist.
C4.38 Social Work
Outpatient services provided by a social worker who is eligible for the Australian Association of Social Workers or a social work associate who is under the direction of a Social Worker.
C4.39 Speech Pathology/Audiology
Outpatient services provided by a speech pathologist who is registered with the Speech Pathologists Board or by a qualified audiologist who is eligible for membership with the Australian Audiological Society Incorporated.
C4.40 Transplants
Outpatient services delivered by multi-disciplinary teams to patients who have had lung, liver, heart or kidney transplants.
C4.41 Urology
Outpatient services provided by a urologist recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons or by an advanced urological trainee who is enrolled with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
C4.42 Vascular Surgery
Outpatient services provided by a vascular surgeon recognised by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, including pre-operative and post-operative follow-up. Services may also be provided by junior medical staff or registrars rostered to a recognised vascular surgeon.
C4.43 Wound Management
Outpatient services involving the treatment of breaches of the skin including treatment for burns through the use of pressure garments. However, outpatient services provided to burns patients by plastic surgeons or junior medical staff rostered to plastic surgeons should be recorded as plastic surgery occasions of service. Similarly, occasions of services relating to burns patients presenting to occupational therapy clinics should be recorded as occupational therapy occasions of service.
Reporting of activity data from health facilities
Short Name
Ambulatory clinic types
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Collection Methods
Some of these clinic types are also divided into 'new' and 'repeat' patients. "New" is defined as 'the first time a patient has been referred to one of the prescribed clinics, for the purpose of making the first full assessment of, or consultation for, that particular condition.'
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Non-admitted patient care-outpatient clinic type code
QH 040761 Version 2
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Compensable/eligibility status for non-admitted patients
QH 040759 Version 1
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Monthly Activity Collection (MAC)
QH 020008 Version 1
Data Quality Declaration
Source and Reference Attributes
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Ambulatory care
Clinic type