[WWW - 2023.07.31]

Research Portal

Data Management in Queensland Health

Welcome to the Queensland Health Data Dictionary (QHDD) portal for researchers

The search options below are designed to help researchers find information about data. This portal can help you find data item definitions and available values for each data element.

Using Commonly Requested Data Items forms

When applying for data from SSB, you can attach commonly requested data items (CRDI) forms to your application to indicate which data items are required. If you need available data items not listed in these forms, they can be written in as ‘other’ data items in the spaces provided.

Data items are often restricted when SSB discloses confidential data, such as by grouping or capping values, to reduce the potential of patient reidentification. While you can request any available data item, where it carries an increased risk of identifying an individual, you must justify why that level of detail is required. The CRDI forms provide guidance around these requirements, different options for sensitive data items, and spaces for justifications where required.