[WWW - 2023.07.31]

Data Element Detail

Person-area of usual residence, statistical area level 2 (SA2) identifier (ASGS 2016)
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 041598 v3
Data Element
Derived Data Element
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
The geographical region in which a person usually resides, represented as a 4-digit code.
Area of usual residence (SA2 4-digit)
Representational Attributes
Numeric Character
Permissible Values


A valid SA2 identifier from the corporate reference data system (CRDS) Locality data set maintained by Statistical Standards and Strategies, Statistical Services Branch (SSB).
Supplementary Values


0989Not stated or Unknown
9301Papua New Guinea
9302New Zealand
9399Overseas - other (not PNG or NZ)
9799At sea
9899Australian External Territories
9989No fixed address
Collection and Usage Attributes
The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) provides a common framework of statistical geography which enables the publication of statistics that are comparable and spatially integrated.

The ASGS structure has six hierarchical levels and each level directly aggregates to the level above.
For example, SA1s are aggregates of Mesh Blocks and aggregate to SA2s. This principle continues up through the remaining levels of the hierarchy.

Wherever possible, SA2s are based on officially gazetted State suburbs and localities. In urban areas SA2s largely conform to whole suburbs and combinations of whole suburbs, while in rural areas they define the functional zone of a regional centre.

SA2 coding structure:

An SA2 code is identifiable by a 9-digit fully hierarchical code and comprises State/Territory identifier, SA4 identifier, SA3 identifier and SA2 identifier. The SA2 identifier is a 4-digit code, assigned in alphabetical order within an SA3. An SA2 code is only unique within a State/Territory if it is preceded by the State/Territory identifier.

The following identifiers comprise the SA2 code 301011004 (Capalaba):

State/Territory 3
SA4 01
SA3 01
SA2 1004

The SA2 identifier component is 1004.
Usual residence is the place where a person usually lives (resides). It is not the residence where a person might stay temporarily before or after a period of hospitalisation/treatment/contact.

Queensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC):
ASGS interstate and overseas SA2 identifiers are not used in the QHAPDC. Instead, for non-Queensland residents, the following supplementary codes are used:
1989 = New South Wales
2989 = Victoria
4989 = South Australia
5989 = Western Australia
6989 = Tasmania
7989 = Northern Territory
8989 = Australian Capital Territory
Geographical location is reported using ASGS defined geographic region to enable accurate aggregation of information to larger areas within the ASGS as well as detailed analysis at the SA2 level. The use of SA2 also allows analysis relating the data to information compiled by the ABS on the demographic and other characteristics of the population of each SA2. Analyses facilitated by the inclusion of SA2 information include:
- Comparison of the use of services by persons residing in different geographical areas;
- Characterisation of catchment areas and populations for facilities for planning purposes; and
- Documentation of the provision of services to residents of states or territories other than Queensland.
Statistical Standards and Strategies, SSB maintains a corporate standardised data set of localities, postcodes, states and associated SA2 identifiers in the Corporate Reference Data System (CRDS). The content of the locality data set has two main sources, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Australia Post, with supplementary data supplied by Queensland Health. The CRDS file can be browsed in CRDS Online on QHEPS via INTERNAL QH LINK NOT AVAILABLE or an extract can be requested from Statistical Standards and Strategies by email crds@health.qld.gov.au.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesData ElementDerived Data ElementPerson-area of usual residence, statistical area level 2 (SA2) identifier (ASGS 2011)QH 041598 Version 2Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementPerson (address)-Australian postcode of usual residenceQH 040081 Version 4Current
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementPerson (address)-Australian state/territory of usual residenceQH 040078 Version 3Current
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementPerson (address)-address of usual residenceQH 040079 Version 2Current
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementPerson (address)-suburb/town/locality of usual residenceQH 040080 Version 2Current
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionEmergency Data Collection (EDC)QH 020159 Version 3MandatoryDraft01-Jul-202130-Jun-2022
Information AssetData CollectionEmergency Data Collection (EDC)QH 020159 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201930-Jun-2021
Information AssetData CollectionEmergency Data Collection (EDC)QH 020159 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2019
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Cancer Register (QCR) Data CollectionQH 020002 Version 3MandatoryDraft01-Jul-202130-Jun-2022
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Cancer Register (QCR) Data CollectionQH 020002 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201930-Jun-2021
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Cancer Registry (QCR) Data CollectionQH 020002 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2019
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Health Non-Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHNAPDC)QH 020262 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201930-Jun-2022
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Health Non-Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHNAPDC)QH 020262 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2019
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201930-Jun-2022
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2019
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)QH 020003 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201930-Jun-2022
Information AssetData CollectionRadiation Therapy Data Collection (RTDC)QH 020274 Version 3MandatoryDraft01-Jul-202130-Jun-2022
Information AssetData CollectionRadiation Therapy Data Collection (RTDC)QH 020274 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201930-Jun-2021
Information AssetData CollectionRadiation Therapy Data Collection (RTDC)QH 020274 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2019
Source and Reference Attributes
Australian Bureau of Statistics
ABS cat. no. 1270.0.55.001 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2016