[WWW - 2023.07.31]

Data Element Detail

Facility-average daily bed equivalence (community based admitted patient care)
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 041099 v1
Data Element
Derived Data Element
An estimate of the average daily number of public hospital beds that a facility would need to cater for the quantity of public admitted patient activity being provided by community based programs (e.g. hospital in the home, hospital in the nursing home).
Admitted patient care
Average daily bed equivalence, community
Bed estimates, hospital in the home care
Representational Attributes
Quantitative Value
Permissible Values


Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
A methodology for calculating this estimate that reflects the types of services being purchased has been adopted.

Currently, for community based admitted patient care, the bed equivalence figure is calculated from the number of patient days associated with this activity.
With increasing volumes of publicly funded admitted patient activity being conducted outside of public hospitals, it is desirable to have ways of illustrating the size of that activity using commonly understood measures (e.g. number of hospital beds).
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
Is derived fromData ElementDerived Data ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-number of days of hospital-in-the-home care, totalQH 040980 Version 2Current
Is derived fromData ElementDerived Data ElementNumber of days of hospital-in-the-home careQH 040980 Version 1Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 2Current01-Jul-2019
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 1Superseded01-Jul-200830-Jun-2019
Source and Reference Attributes