| Is a qualifier of | Data Element | Data Element | Birth event-induction/augmentation method | QH 040151 Version 2 | Current |
| Is used in conjunction with | Data Element | Data Element | Birth event-type of non-pharmacological analgesia administered/used | QH 041080 Version 4 | Current |
| Is used in conjunction with | Data Element | Data Element | Birth event-type of pharmacological analgesia administered | QH 040751 Version 7 | Current |
| Is used in conjunction with | Data Element | Data Element | Birth event-type of pharmacological analgesia administered | QH 040751 Version 6 | Superseded |
| Is used in conjunction with | Data Element | Data Element | Product of birth-active resuscitation method | QH 040153 Version 3 | Current |
| Is used in conjunction with | Data Element | Data Element | Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby record extra text | QH 042587 Version 1 | Draft |
| Is used in conjunction with | Data Element | Data Element | Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-record type | QH 042471 Version 1 | Draft |
| Is used in conjunction with | Data Element | Derived Data Element | Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's birth code | QH 042590 Version 1 | Draft |
| Relates to | Data Element | Data Element | Birth-type of alternative feeding method used prior to discharge | QH 041532 Version 1 | Current |
| Relates to | Data Element | Data Element | Labour and delivery complication code (ICD-10-AM) | QH 040112 Version 2 | Current |
| Relates to | Data Element | Data Element | Neonatal morbidity code (ICD-10-AM) | QH 040113 Version 2 | Current |