[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 020265 v2
Information Asset
Data Collection
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
Data manipulated in the Budget Planning Tool (BPT).
Budget Planning Tool Data Collection
Strategic Alignment Attributes
Each Hospital and Health Service (HHS), each Department of Health (DoH) Division and Health Support Queensland utilise BPT by manipulating prior year budgets or actuals extracted to create current year budgets (full time equivalents (FTEs)) and/or dollars for upload back into SAP S/4HANA (for dollar budgets) and Decision Support System (DSS) (for FTE budgets).
No, budgets would be prepared in Microsoft Excel, reducing budget build consistency, user training and support efficiencies from having one state-wide solution, transparency, governance controls, etc.
Ensures improved consistency, user training and support efficiencies, transparency, governance controls, etc. from having one state-wide budget planning solution.
Ensures improved consistency, user training and support efficiencies, transparency, governance controls, etc. from having one state-wide budget planning solution.
Ensures improved consistency, user training and support efficiencies, transparency, governance controls, etc. from having one state-wide budget planning solution.
Collection and Usage Attributes
Budget planning tool for use within Queensland Health (QH) to facilitate the $20B budget build loaded into the SAP S/4HANA and the 87K FTE budget build loaded into DSS (Note: The Capital Works Program, Clinical Excellence Queensland and eHealth Queensland don't upload FTE budgets into DSS).
To provide QH with a consistent and standard platform for developing budget targets for FTE and finance dollars which interfaces with both the financial system SAP S/4HANA and the Decision Support System (DSS).
Open to approved and registered QH users state-wide who have been granted appropriate security access.
Financial and Payroll FTE data for multi-dimensional analysis at summary or transaction levels with applications for: Finance for managing dollars at cost centre and general ledger (GL) account level, Workforce and Establishment for managing FTE and labour business rules at cost centre, pay-class and position number level.

Metadata for finance dollar budget data is a sub-set of SAP S/4HANA metadata (i.e. finance data elements only) and metadata for FTE budget data is a sub-set of SAP Human Resources and Payroll HRMIS metadata (i.e. payroll and positional data elements).
All QH HHSs (including their facilities) and DoH Divisions - secured access.
In BPT and via SAP S/4HANA General Ledger & DSS FTE reporting. In SAP S/4HANA for budget revenues & costs (including cost centre & GL account code details) and in DSS for budget FTE details (including cost centre, hours paid, wage type, position number & pay-point). That is BPT does not create new metadata but manipulates existing Metadata to create future period budgets.
Nightly updates from SAP S/4HANA and fortnightly from SAP HR Payroll.
BPT access is not available publicly, just to QH finance and business manager staff via requests to the BPT Team within Finance Solutions, Finance Branch, Corporate Services Division, Department of Health.

Data within BPT is not accessible externally apart from summary level budget information published in the QH & HHS annual financial statements within the QH & HHS annual reports.
Limited to QH finance and business manager staff and their area of responsibility (i.e. their cost centres). User assess is centrally controlled by the Department.
User security is based on the user's area of responsibility e.g. HHSs can't access other HHS data unless approved by that HHS.
Extracts from SAP S/4HANA, being financial data from QH General Ledger, and from SAP HR Payroll HRMIS being Labour related FTE data.
Statistical Unit Dollars and FTEs.
BPT allows for entry of workforce (FTE) and financial (dollar) data through templates developed in Microsoft Excel, being the front-end user interface to BPT.

BPT is designed to develop labour budgets directly from workforce plans using a consistent and standard methodology. Workforce plans can be developed at pay classification / point level or at position number using standard QH wage rates and business rules reflective of geographical locations across the state.

BPT utilises information from the SAP S/4HANA ALT 7 cost centre hierarchy, SAP S/4HANA general ledger account codes, SAP HR Payroll HRMIS master data and standard QH pay points.

BPT provides a platform for managing large volumes of data and consolidation for all hierarchies available from the SAP S/4HANA, DSS and HRMIS systems.

BPT also provides a reporting capability prior to the upload of data in both SAP S/4HANA and DSS.

Financial budgets are reported against monthly for internal QH use and Queensland Government use. FTE budgets are reported against fortnightly for internal QH use.
Initial Budgets are created in the period November to July for the future period July to June. Budget amendments are reflected throughout the fiscal year as it progresses.
BPT replaced HHS and Division specific budget Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and locally developed systems which had no consistency across sites.
BPT is a user-friendly information system and assists in "top level" decision making based on a common and consistent methodology for all users and provides comparable data outputs. Data can be viewed in BPT at the lowest level (e.g. pay class or position for FTE data or general ledger account code for Finance data).
The data in BPT can also be rolled up and viewed at the highest level (e.g. HHS / DoH Divisional) or at various levels of the hierarchies.
The benefits of BPT include:
- consistency in budget development across all HHSs and DoH Divisions;
- improved transparency on how budgets are developed;
- centrally administered and supported solution to ensure efficiency in the budget development process;
- it is secured and restricted to appropriate user access for the QH cost centre hierarchy as determined by senior managers and policies of each HHS or DoH Division;
- groups of users (common areas) can have access to the same level of data.
BPT is available daily with a nightly maintenance window for background processing and data updates. BPT is updated nightly from SAP S/4HANA for cost centre and GL account codes, and fortnightly from SAPHR Payroll for position number detail. Data uploads to DSS and SAP S/4HANA are run nightly from staging tables.
BPT is compliant with DoH and HHS funding and reporting guidelines.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesInformation AssetData CollectionBudget Planning Tool (BPT) Data CollectionQH 020265 Version 1Superseded
Has been superseded byInformation AssetData CollectionBudget Planning Tool (BPT) Data CollectionQH 020265 Version 3Draft
Implementation in Metadata Sets


No Metadata Items
Included Data Elements and Performance Indicators

Included DE

No Metadata Items
Medium quality, budget data prepared in BPT, and published in the QH and HHS annual reports as part of their annual financial statements.
Source and Reference Attributes