ABC | Activity BarCoding |
ADIS | Alcohol and Drug Information Service |
ALLIEDONE | Allied One |
AODS | Alcohol and Other Drugs |
ARIA | ARIA (patient information management system) |
ASIM | Appointment Scheduling Information Manager |
ATODSIS | Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Substances Information System |
BESTPRACTICE | Best Practice (clinical management software) |
BSQ | BreastScreen Queensland |
CHARM | Oncology Information Management System |
CHIMS | Community Health Information Management System |
CIMHA | Consumer Integrated Mental Health and Addiction Application |
COVAX | COVID19 Vaccinations |
DAART | Domiciliary Allied Health Acute Care and Rehabilitation Team |
EDISRURAL | Emergency Department Information System Rural |
ESM | Enterprise Scheduling Management |
FERRET | FERRET (patient information and recall system) |
HBCIS | Hospital Based Corporate Information System |
HCARE | HCare (community appointment scheduling) |
HEALTHTRACK | HealthTrack (cardiology information system) |
IPM | Patient Administration System |
IPME | Separate emergency module for Patient Administration System |
ISOH | Information System for Oral Health |
KARISMA | Karisma (Medical Imaging Information System) |
KINTRAK | KinTrak (patient clinical information system) |
MAH | Mater at Home |
MANUAL | Manually recorded Non-admitted Patient activity |
MOSAIQ | MOSAIQ (oncology patient information system) |
PAHSLEEP | Princess Alexandra Hospital Sleep Disorders Centre |
PALC00310 | Community Services Funding Branch - Palliative Care 00310 |
PALC01195 | Community Services Funding Branch - Palliative Care 01195 |
PALC90129 | Community Services Funding Branch - Palliative Care 90129 |
PALC90130 | Community Services Funding Branch - Palliative Care 90130 |
PALC90131 | Community Services Funding Branch - Palliative Care 90131 |
PCCIMS | Palliative Care Clinical Information Management System |
PI5 | Performance Indicator System version 5 |
PRACSOFT | Practice Management Software |
PRACTIX | practiX (primary care patient information management system) |
RIVER | Regional Information Via electronic Record |
SCAN | Surgery Connect Activity Navigator |
SHIP | Specialised Health Information Program |
TAHDIS | Team Allied Health Data Information System |
TOTALCARE | Medical Management application |
TRACCS | Time Recording and Client Care System |
TRANSDATA | Transdata (transition care program system) |
WINVAC | WinVac (vaccination information management system) |