[WWW - 2023.07.31]

Data Element Detail

Episode of admitted patient care-diagnosis code prefix (ICD-10-AM) (HBCIS)
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 041645 v4
Data Element
Data Element
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
A qualifier for each ICD-10-AM diagnosis code.
Hospital services
Diagnosis code prefix (ICD-10-AM) (HBCIS)
Representational Attributes
Permissible Values


Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
Hospital Based Corporate Information System (HBCIS):
This data element is mapped to the Episode of admitted patient care-clinical code type (ICD-10-AM/ACHI) data element as follows:

Code A Associated is mapped to code:
-OD Other diagnosis when the ICD-10-AM code is not in the external cause code range U50-Y98 and not in the morphology code range M8000/0-M9992/3.
-EX External cause when the ICD-10-AM code is in the external cause code range U50-Y98.
-M Morphology when the ICD-10-AM code is in the morphology code range M8000/0-M9992/3.

Code C Complication is mapped to code:
-OD Other diagnosis when the ICD-10-AM code is not in the external cause code range U50-Y98 and not in the morphology code range M8000/0-M9992/3.
-EX External cause when the ICD-10-AM code is in the external cause code range U50-Y98.
-M Morphology when the ICD-10-AM code is in the morphology code range M8000/0-M9992/3.

Code P Primary is mapped to code:
-PD Principal diagnosis when the ICD-10-AM code is not in the external cause code range U50-Y98 and not in the morphology code range M8000/0-M9992/3.
-EX External cause when the ICD-10-AM code is in the external cause code range U50-Y98.
-M Morphology when the ICD-10-AM code is in the morphology code range M8000/0-M9992/3.

Code U Unknown/uncertain is mapped to code:
-OD Other diagnosis when the ICD-10-AM code is not in the external cause code range U50-Y98 and not in the morphology code range M8000/0-M9992/3.
-EX External cause when the ICD-10-AM code is in the external cause code range U50-Y98.
-M Morphology when the ICD-10-AM code is in the morphology code range M8000/0-M9992/3.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

  • 1 - 10
ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-diagnosis code prefix (ICD-10-AM) (HBCIS)QH 041645 Version 3Superseded
Has been superseded byData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-diagnosis code prefix (ICD-10-AM) (HBCIS)QH 041645 Version 5Current
Is a qualifier ofData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-additional diagnosis code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041646 Version 12Superseded
Is a qualifier ofData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-morphology of neoplasm code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041688 Version 11Superseded
Is a qualifier ofData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-principal diagnosis code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041644 Version 12Superseded
Is a qualifier ofData ElementData ElementInjury event-activity type code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041649 Version 11Superseded
Is a qualifier ofData ElementData ElementInjury event-external cause code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041647 Version 11Superseded
Is a qualifier ofData ElementData ElementInjury event-place of occurrence code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041648 Version 11Superseded
Is mappable toData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-clinical code type (ICD-10-AM/ACHI 11th edn)QH 040099 Version 8Superseded
Is mappable toData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-clinical code type (ICD-10-AM/ACHI 11th edn)QH 040099 Version 7Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


No Metadata Items
Source and Reference Attributes