[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 040607 v1
Data Element
Data Element Concept
An occasion of examination, consultation, treatment or other service provided to a non-admitted patient in a functional unit of a health service facility.

Examples of occasions of service are outpatient appointments and community health visits. An occasion of service may consist of a number of service events.
Institutional health care: occasions of service are required as a measure of non-admitted patient service provision
Representational Attributes
Permissible Values


Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
Each diagnostic test or simultaneous set of related diagnostic tests for the one patient referred to a hospital pathology department consists of one occasion of service.

Excludes services provided to admitted patients of a facility at that facility's outpatient clinic. Telephone calls are also excluded.
Monthly Activity Collection (MAC):
Although the counting unit 'occasion of service' was superseded from 30 June 2014, there are services that are provided by some hospitals which fall outside of the definition of a 'service event' as they do not provide clinical care.

These services include 'Other Outreach Services' (eg home cleaning, meals on wheels or home maintenance) and 'Pharmacy' occasions of service.

Whilst these services are no longer required to be reported nationally, there is a requirement to report these services for state purposes to acknowledge the activity performed in the wider representation of the services provided by a hospital.

To continue to report this information, the term 'occasion of service' will still apply to these services and be reported to the MAC, providing the activity is operated and managed by the reporting entity and funded by the reporting entity.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care (outpatient)-source of referralQH 040938 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-appointment schedule dateQH 040930 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-attendance typeQH 040934 Version 1Retired
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-chargeable statusQH 040933 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-clinical urgency categoryQH 040936 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-failed to attend appointment indicatorQH 040940 Version 1Retired
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-individual/group session indicatorQH 040935 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-initial attendance indicatorQH 040941 Version 1Retired
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-principal funding sourceQH 040939 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-referral issue dateQH 040928 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient care-referral receipt dateQH 040929 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementOutpatient clinic occasion of service-care type (derived, ODC)QH 041746 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementOutpatient clinic occasion of service-chargeable statusQH 040933 Version 2Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementOutpatient clinic occasion of service-principal source of fundingQH 041589 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementOutpatient clinic occasion of service-provider type long nameQH 041591 Version 1Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionMonthly Activity Collection (MAC)QH 020008 Version 1Superseded01-Jul-199630-Jun-2019
Source and Reference Attributes