The given name by which the person wants to be identified should be indicated using Code 11 - Preferred name in the Person (name)-name usage data element. This given name may be different from the given name on a person's Medicare card, or other given names the person may be identified by and should be recorded and indicated by the Person (name)-name usage data element.
The preferred given name indicated by the Person (name)-name usage data element should be recorded in the format preferred by the person. For example, this may be the same as that indicated by the person on a form.
Name Change
It is acknowledged that some people use more than one given name (e.g. formal name, birth name, nickname or shortened name, or tribal name) depending on the circumstances. In Queensland a person is able to change his or her name for usage. Care should be taken when recording a change of name for a minor, all relevant legal documentation should be obtained and diligently managed. Ideally, the name recorded for a minor should be known to both of his/her parents or guardian/carer, so the minor's records can be retrieved and continuity of care maintained, regardless of which parent accompanies a minor to a facility.
e.g. Mary Georgina SMITH informs the hospital that she now prefers to be known as Georgina. Record Georgina as her given name and record Mary according to the Person (name)-name usage type data element.
e.g. The facility is informed that Baby of Louise JONES has been named Mary JONES. Retain Baby of Louise as the newborn name using the Person (name)-name usage type where this option is available or record it as an alias name in the case of older or legacy systems that may only have this field available. Record Mary as the given name and indicate as preferred and also as the Medicare card name according to the Person (name)-name usage type data element if appropriate.
Multiple given names (e.g. first, second, third names)
All of a person's given names should be recorded with each given name being recorded against the relevant given name sequence number.
For example, Oscar Peter would be recorded with Oscar as the First Given Name (Code 1) and Peter as the Second Given Name (Code 2). The Given name sequence number data element provides more information about allocation of sequence numbers.
Recording an unknown person
If a person's given name is not known, the following format should be used:
[current year YY][unique code] and the alias name usage type should be used.
For further information about recording an unidentified client please refer to Fact sheet: Recording unknown patients.
When the person's given name becomes known, add the actual name as the given name and make every attempt to identify whether it is the preferred and / or Medicare card name and retain the name entered using the above format as an alias name.
Name requiring truncation
If the length of a family name exceeds the length of the field, truncate the family name from the right (that is, dropping the final letters). For further information on truncating a name please refer to Fact sheet: Recording a name requiring truncation..
Use of aliases and pseudonyms (incomplete names or fictitious names)
The Department of Health recognises that some people may prefer to use an alias when they present to receive a health service. This may particularly be the case in sexual health.
If an alias given name is provided, it is recommended that a person be asked to also record their Medicare card given name. The given name that the person wishes to be identified by is indicated by Code 11 - Preferred name in the Person (name)-name usage data element.
Use of first initial
If a person's given name is not known, but the first letter (initial) of the given name is known, record the first letter as the given name. Do not record a full stop following the initial.
Person with only one name
Some people do not have a family name and a given name and they have only one name by which they are known. If a person has only one name, record their name in the family name field, leave the given name blank and populate the Person (name)-one name indicator data element.
For HBCIS record the one name in the family name field and record a full stop "." in the given name field.
Shortened or alternate first given name
If a person uses a shortened version or an alternate version of their first given name, record this as their given name and indicate as preferred name and also record their Medicare card name or alias name whichever applies.
.g. A person's given name is Jennifer but prefers to be called Jenny. Record Jenny as the given name and indicate as preferred name and Jennifer as the Medicare card name or an alias whichever applies.
If non alphanumeric characters form part of a given name, consideration should be given to a system's capability to collect and interpret such characters. This is particularly relevant to older or legacy systems.
Hyphen e.g. Anne-Maree or Mary-Jane
Do not leave a space before or after a hyphen, i.e. between last letter of Anne and the hyphen, or a space between the hyphen and the first letter of Maree.
Spaces e.g. Jean Claude
If a person has recorded their given name as more than one word, displaying spaces in between the words, record their given names in data collection systems in the same way.
Recording an unnamed newborn baby
An unnamed newborn baby is to be recorded using the mother's given name in conjunction with 'baby of'. For example, if the given name of the baby's mother is Fiona, then record baby of Fiona in the given name field for the baby.
The unnamed newborn name is recorded under the newborn name, name usage type. If a name is subsequently given, record the new given name and indicate as preferred name and/or Medicare card name and retain Baby of Fiona as the newborn name or as an alias name (older or legacy systems may only have an alias field available).
Recording unnamed multiple births
An unnamed newborn baby from a multiple birth regardless of a stillbirth (providing this meets the Queensland Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act) or live birth should use their mother's given name plus a reference to the multiple birth. For example, if the baby's mother's given name is Fiona and a set of twins is to be recorded, then record Twin1 of Fiona in the Given Name field for the first born baby, and Twin2 of Fiona in the Given Name field of the second born baby.
The following terms should be used for recording multiple births:
Twin Use Twin i.e. Twin1 of Fiona
Triplet Use Trip i.e. Trip1 of Fiona
Quadruplet Use Quad i.e. Quad1 of Fiona
Quintuplet Use Quin i.e. Quin1 of Fiona
Sextuplet Use Sext i.e. Sext1 of Fiona
Septuplet Use Sept i.e. Sept1 of Fiona
Numbers (1, 2, 3 ...) are used, not roman numerals (I, II, III ...). Also note there should not be a space between twin and the number.
These names should be recorded under the newborn name usage type. When the babies are named, the name indicated as preferred name and/or Medicare card name should be updated. The newborn name should be retained or recorded as an alias in the case of old or legacy systems that may only have this field available.
Baby for adoption
A newborn baby that is for adoption should be recorded in the same way that other newborn babies are recorded. Refer to the Department of Health Policy - Managing the Clinical Records of Children Available for Adoption and associated documents for further information.
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander names not for continued use
For cultural reasons, an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander may advise a facility that they are no longer using the given name that they had previously recorded and are now using an alternative given name. Indicate the given name the person wishes to be identified by as the preferred and/or tribal name and record other given names as Medicare card name or alias name as appropriate.
Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people traditionally name family members the same given name and family name for example Senior John Smith and Junior John Smith. Indicate the given name the person wishes to be identified by as the preferred name and record other given names as Medicare card name or alias names as appropriate.
Ethnic Names
The Centrelink publication A Guide to Ethnic Naming Practices provides information on the naming practices of people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Misspelled given names
If a person's given name has been misspelled in error, update the given name field with the correct spelling and record the misspelled given name as an alias name. Recording misspelled names is important for filing documents that may be issued with previous versions of a person's name. Discretion should be used regarding the degree of recording that is maintained.
PREMs and PROMs payload files include first given name only
Queensland Opioid Treatment Program (QOTP) Admission Data Supply Requirement (DSR), Queensland Opioid Treatment Program (QOTP) Discharge Data Supply Requirement (DSR), data is collected by completing the Queensland Opioid Treatment Program (QOTP) Admission/Discharge form. Provide the client's given name as indicated on the Queensland Opioid Treatment Program (QOTP) Admission/Discharge form.
The Oral Health Data Supply Requirement (DSR):
External provider given name - Provide the given names of the person registered as a health service provider in an outsourced dental care.
Must not be null if care was provided.
Is implemented in Queensland Master Patient Index (QMPI) QH 020653 v1