Geriatric evaluation and management is provided for a person with complex multi-dimensional medical problems associated with disabilities and psychosocial problems, usually (but not always) an older person.
CODE GAO Geriatric evaluation and management - assessment only
CODE GEM Geriatric evaluation and management
CODE GSD Geriatric evaluation and management - planned same day
GAO/GEM/GSD includes evaluation and management of younger adults with clinical problems generally associated with old age.
Maintenance is provided for a person with a disability who, following assessment or treatment, does not require further complex assessment or stabilisation.
CODE MAO Maintenance - assessment only
CODE MCO Maintenance - convalescent care
Following assessment and/or treatment the patient does not require further complex assessment or stabilisation but continues to require care over an indefinite period.
Under normal circumstances the patient would be discharged but due to factors in the home environment, such as access issues or lack of available community services, the patient is unable to be discharged. Examples may include:
- Patients awaiting the completion of home modifications essential for discharge.
- Patients awaiting the provision of specialised equipment essential for discharge.
- Patients waiting for rehousing.
- Patients waiting for supported accommodation such as hostel or group home bed.
- Patients for whom community services are essential for discharge but are not yet available.
CODE MNH Maintenance - nursing home type
The patient is waiting placement in a residential aged care facility.
CODE MOT Maintenance - other
Any other reason the patient may require a maintenance episode other than those already stated.
CODE MRE Maintenance - respite
A patient who is not waiting for residential care and the primary reason for admission is the short-term unavailability of the patient's usual care arrangements. Examples may include:
- Admission due to carer illness or fatigue.
- Planned respite due to carer unavailability.
- Short term closure of care facility.
- Short term unavailability of community services.
Palliative care is provided for a person with an active, progressive, far advanced disease with little or no prospect of cure.
CODE PAA Palliative - assessment only
CODE PAL Palliative care
Palliative care includes grief and bereavement support services for the family and carers during the life of the person and continuing after death.
Psychogeriatric care is provided to persons with an age-related organic brain impairment with significant behavioural disturbance or late onset psychiatric disturbance or a physical condition accompanied by severe psychiatric or behavioural disturbance.
CODE PSA Psychogeriatric - assessment only
CODE PSG Psychogeriatric
PSA and PSG includes psychogeriatric care of younger adults with clinical conditions generally associated with old age as well as care of people with long term psychiatric disturbance and/or substance abuse.
Rehabilitation care is provided for a person with an impairment, disability or handicap.
CODE RAL Rehabilitation - amputation of limb
Includes: Single Upper Extremity Above the Elbow, Single Upper Extremity Below the Elbow, Single Lower Extremity Above the Knee, Single Lower Extremity Below the Knee, Double Lower Extremity Above the Knee, Double Lower Extremity Above/below the Knee, Double Lower Extremity Below the Knee, Other Amputation.
CODE RAO Rehabilitation - assessment only
The person is seen on one occasion only for assessment and/or treatment and no further intervention by this service/team are planned.
CODE RAR Rehabilitation - arthritis
Includes: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Other Arthritis.
CODE RBD Rehabilitation - brain dysfunction
Includes: Non-Traumatic, Traumatic unspecified, Open Injury, Closed Injury, Other Brain.
CODE RBU Rehabilitation - burns
CODE RCA Rehabilitation - cardiac
CODE RCD Rehabilitation - congenital deformities
Includes: Spina Bifida, Other Congenital.
CODE RDD Rehabilitation - developmental disabilities
CODE RDE Rehabilitation - debility
Debility, unspecified. Includes only patients who are debilitated for reasons other than cardiac or pulmonary conditions.
CODE RMT Rehabilitation - major multiple trauma
Includes: Brain + Spinal Cord Injury, Brain + Multiple Fracture/ Amputation, Spinal + Multiple Fracture/ Amputation, Other Multiple Trauma.
CODE RNE Rehabilitation - neurological
Includes: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsonism, Polyneuropathy, Guillian-Barre, Cerebral Palsy, Other Neurologic.
CODE ROA Rehabilitation - orthopaedic conditions, all other
Includes: Other Orthopaedic.
CODE ROF Rehabilitation - orthopaedic conditions, fractures
Includes: Status Post Hip Fracture, Status Post Femur (shaft) Fracture, Status Post Pelvis Fracture, Status Post Major Multiple Fracture.
CODE ROI Rehabilitation - other disabling impairments
Includes cases that cannot be classified into a specific group.
CODE ROR Rehabilitation - orthopaedic conditions, replacement
Includes: Status Post Hip Replacement.
CODE RPS Rehabilitation - pain syndromes
Includes: Neck Pain, Back Pain, Extremity Pain, Other Pain.
CODE RPU Rehabilitation - pulmonary
Includes: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Other Pulmonary
CODE RSC Rehabilitation - spinal cord dysfunction
Includes: Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Dysfunction, Unspecified Paraplegia, Incomplete Paraplegia, Complete Paraplegia, Unspecified Quadriplegia, Incomplete C1-4 Quadriplegia, Incomplete C5-8 Quadriplegia, Complete C1-4 Quadriplegia, Complete C5-8 Quadriplegia, Other non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Spinal Cord Dysfunction, Unspecified Paraplegia, Incomplete Paraplegia, Complete Paraplegia, Unspecified Quadriplegia, Incomplete C1-4 Quadriplegia, Incomplete C5-8 Quadriplegia, Complete C1-4 Quadriplegia, Complete C5-8 Quadriplegia, Other non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury.
CODE RST Rehabilitation - stroke
Includes: Left Body Involvement - No paresis, Right Body Involvement - Other Stroke, Bilateral Involvement.