| Data Element | Data Element | Activity file-activity code (QHAPDC) | QH 040167 Version 8 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Admission episode number | QH 040007 Version 1 | Mandatory | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Admission ward code | QH 040169 Version 1 | Mandatory | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Admission weight-neonate | QH 040011 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Clinical ward specialty-standard ward code | QH 040608 Version 5 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-activity at time of incident | QH 042508 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-employer Australian postcode | QH 042497 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-employer address line 1 | QH 042494 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-employer address line 2 | QH 042495 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-employer informed indicator | QH 042487 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-employer name | QH 042493 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-employer suburb/town/locality name | QH 042496 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-incident date (QHAPDC DSR) | QH 042480 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-incident location | QH 042485 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-incident time | QH 042481 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-insurer Australian postcode | QH 042502 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-insurer address line 1 | QH 042499 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-insurer address line 2 | QH 042500 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-insurer claim number | QH 042510 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-insurer name | QH 042498 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-insurer suburb/town/locality name | QH 042501 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-nature of injury or illness | QH 042486 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-occupation at time of incident | QH 042511 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Derived Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-payment class | QH 042104 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-record number | QH 042479 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-role of claimant in road incident | QH 042509 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-solicitor Australian postcode | QH 042507 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-solicitor address line 1 | QH 042504 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-solicitor address line 2 | QH 042505 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-solicitor name | QH 042503 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Compensable patient claim (workers' compensation)-solicitor suburb/town/locality | QH 042506 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Contact for feedback indicator | QH 040757 Version 1 | Mandatory | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Contracted hospital care service-contract procedure flag | QH 040101 Version 2 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Contracted hospital care service-contract provider identifier | QH 040129 Version 2 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Contracted hospital care service-contract purchaser facility identifier | QH 042447 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Contracted hospital care service-contract role | QH 040806 Version 3 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Contracted hospital care service-contract type | QH 040807 Version 3 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Contracted hospital care service-date of starting contract leave (QHAPDC DSR) | QH 042451 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Contracted hospital care service-date returned from contract leave (QHAPDC DSR) | QH 042452 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Date-estimated date of birth indicator (QHAPDC) | QH 042433 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Date-estimated incident date indicator | QH 042441 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Date-estimated incident date indicator, workers' compensation | QH 042482 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Elective procedure waiting list episode-clinical urgency assessment category (QHAPDC) | QH 042453 Version 2 | Conditional | Current | 01-Oct-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Elective procedure waiting list episode-clinical urgency assessment category (QHAPDC) | QH 042453 Version 1 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Sep-2017 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Elective procedure waiting list episode-clinical urgency assessment category reassignment date (QHAPDC DSR) | QH 042454 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Derived Data Element | Elective procedure waiting list episode-specialty (of unit of admission) (QHAPDC) | QH 040095 Version 4 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Elective surgery waiting list episode-date placed on waiting list | QH 042273 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Elective surgery waiting list episode-not ready for surgery end date (QHAPDC DSR) | QH 042456 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Elective surgery waiting list episode-not ready for surgery start date (QHAPDC DSR) | QH 042455 Version 1 | Conditional | Current | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |
| Data Element | Data Element | Elective surgery waiting list episode-planned primary procedure code (ACHI 10th edn) (QHAPDC) | QH 042474 Version 2 | Conditional | Superseded | 01-Jul-2017 | 30-Jun-2018 |