[WWW - 2023.07.31]

Data Supply Requirement Detail

Specialist Outpatient Waiting List Census Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2017-2018
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 020306 v1
Data Supply Requirement
HHS Service Agreement
Executive Director, Healthcare Improvement Unit
The Specialist Outpatient Data Collection (SODC) is a monthly collection of patients who have been placed on the specialist outpatient clinic waiting list but have been recorded (wait listed) and the appointment has not yet occurred in one of 32 reporting public hospitals. This Data Supply Requirement defines the meaning and describes the acceptable representation of a set of data elements in the specialist outpatient domain.
Specialist Outpatient Waiting List Census DSR 2017-2018
Collection and Usage Attributes
In Queensland public hospitals, there is a need for uniform and reliable information on the activity, demand and performance of specialist outpatient services. A statewide specialist outpatient data collection provides Hospital and Health Services (HHSs), and the Department of Health, with consistent and actionable data.

From 1 July 2015, the HHS Service Agreements include a requirement that all in-scope services provide data to the collection according to a minimum data set, which is outlined in this data supply requirement.

For the purpose of the SODC, a patient is classified as having been removed from a specialist outpatient waiting list when a referral for a specialist outpatient service has been received, a request for a specialist outpatient service has been recorded (wait listed), and has been subsequently removed from the waiting list with or without the initial appointment occurring.

Reasons for removal may include:
- The initial appointment has occurred.
- The patient requested to be removed from the waiting list.
- The facility removed the patient from the waiting list according to local policy, which may include: where the patient declines an offer of an appointment; or the patient fails to respond to audit measures despite reasonable efforts to contact the patient.
- A designated clinician removes the patient from the waiting list for clinical reasons.
- The patient dies.
- The facility ceases the specialist outpatient service and transfers the patients on the waiting list to another facility or an alternative care pathway.

When a request for a specialist outpatient service is removed and requires reinstatement, the same request entry should be reinstated where possible, in order to continue the patient's waiting time from that previously accrued, with a not ready for care period applied where appropriate.
32 public hospitals in Queensland Health are required to provide a submission to the SODC 2017-2018. This requirement is included in the 2017-2018 Service Agreements between each HHS and the Department of Health. The full list of hospitals included in the scope of the collection is listed in Specialist Outpatient Data Collection 2017-2018 Manual.

Clinics classified as a specialist service are defined by their Corporate Clinic Code. The full list of Corporate Clinic Codes are also included in the Specialist Outpatient Data Collection 2017-2018 Manual.

Records in scope for the SODC are identified as service requests for an initial specialist outpatient service. In the specialist outpatient domain, a service request can lead to multiple appointments. For this collection, those subsequent or follow-up appointments are not in scope.

The scope of the SODC is separated into Part A (waiting list removals) and Part B (waiting list census).

Part B (waiting list census)
The census date is the point in time at which the waiting list is reported (Part B). During 2017-2018, the SODC census date is the first day of each month. Although submission to the SODC 2017-2018 is due by the 6th day of the month, Part B of the submission refers to the waiting list as at the census date.
Although referred to as a date, the census date is technically a date and time, and represents the moment the clock switches from 23:59:59 at the end of the last day of the month to 00:00:00 at the start of the first day of the month. Patients added to the waiting list throughout the first day of the month, after the start of that day, are therefore not included as waiting at the census date (Part B).

Waiting time
Waiting time is calculated as the total number of days from the start date (being the date a patient is placed on the specialist outpatient waiting list) to the end date (being either the date of removal or the census date) minus any days the specialist outpatient service request was awaiting further information, any days the patient was not ready for care, and also minus any days the patient waited with a less urgent clinical urgency category than their clinical urgency category at the end date.

There may be a period of time between when the specialist outpatient referral is received and a clinician is able to assess the referral. This is referred to as an uncategorised period. An uncategorised period is counted in the patient's waiting time.
If after reviewing the referral, insufficient information is available in the referral to accept and categorise the specialist outpatient service request, there may be a period where the clinic is awaiting information. An awaiting information period is not counted towards the patient's waiting time.

The waiting time calculation uses four groups of elapsed time:
- Total time (start date to end date)
- Awaiting information periods
- Not ready for care periods
- Periods the patient waited at a less urgent category

Not ready for care
A ready for care patient is ready, both clinically and personally, to receive their appointment.

A not ready for care patient is:
- A patient whose health status precludes them from accepting an appointment; or
- A patient who for personal reasons wishes to defer their appointment.

Each not ready for care period should be recorded in the source system, with the reason, start date and end date specified. The not ready for care period is inclusive of the start and end dates specified.
The unit of count for the SODC is a request for a specialist outpatient service. A request for a specialist outpatient service is created when a referral for a specialist outpatient service is received and accepted by the clinic.
More information regarding the specialist outpatient data submission can be found in the manual, which is located: http://qheps.health.qld.gov.au/caru/data/docs/giedc-manual-2016.pdf
The method of submission to the collection is detailed in the HIU Data Collection Guide 2017-2018.The SODC 2017-2018 operates on a monthly basis and submission is required by midnight on the 6th calendar day following the reporting month.
The SODC operates on a monthly basis and submission is required by midnight on the 6th calendar day following the reporting month.
The unit of count for Part A (Census) is a request for a specialist outpatient service for patients who have been registered on the specialist outpatient waiting list, and subsequently removed during the reporting period.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
Has been superseded byData Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementSpecialist Outpatient Waiting List Census Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2018-2019QH 020435 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementSpecialist Outpatient Waiting List Removals Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2017-2018QH 020305 Version 1Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionSpecialist Outpatient Data Collection (SODC)QH 020606 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Included Data Elements and Performance Indicators

Included DE

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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Data ElementData ElementData collection-data extract period beginningQH 042065 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementData collection-data extract period endingQH 042066 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementData collection-number of data extract recordsQH 042068 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementFacility-facility codeQH 040006 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementHealthcare Improvement Unit (HIU) data collection-data source systemQH 042067 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient service event-corporate clinic codeQH 041683 Version 5MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementNon-admitted patient service event-local clinic codeQH 041685 Version 2MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementPerson (name)-family nameQH 040002 Version 5MandatoryCurrent20-Mar-201830-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementPerson (name)-family nameQH 040002 Version 4MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201719-Mar-2018
Data ElementData ElementPerson (name)-first given name (HIU)QH 042069 Version 1ConditionalCurrent01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementPerson (name)-second given name (HIU)QH 042070 Version 1ConditionalCurrent01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementPerson-country of birth (SACC 2016)QH 040161 Version 9MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementPerson-date of birthQH 040163 Version 4MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementPerson-indigenous statusQH 040290 Version 5MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementPerson-sexQH 040000 Version 3MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-201719-Mar-2018
Data ElementData ElementService request-number of days not ready for careQH 042483 Version 1ConditionalDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementService request-waiting list statusQH 041978 Version 1MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient clinic appointment-planned appointment date/timeQH 042282 Version 1ConditionalDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient service request-clinical prioritisation criteria statusQH 042283 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient service request-ready for care statusQH 042484 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient service request-referral issue dateQH 042275 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient service request-referral received dateQH 042276 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient service request-referral sourceQH 042274 Version 2MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient service request-waiting time, total daysQH 043115 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient waiting list episode-clinical urgency assessment categoryQH 042277 Version 1MandatoryDraft01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Data ElementData ElementSpecialist outpatient waiting list episode-provider typeQH 042278 Version 1OptionalCurrent01-Jul-201730-Jun-2018
Source and Reference Attributes
Department of Health (DoH)
SODC 2017-18 Minimum Data Set; SODC 2017-18 Manual; HIU Data Collection Guide 2017-18