[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 042317 v2
Data Element
Derived Data Element
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
The procedure for which a patient has been placed on an elective surgery waiting list.
Elective surgery/Waiting list
Intended procedure
Representational Attributes
Numeric Character
Permissible Values


001Cataract extraction (with or without intra-ocular lens insertion)
002Cholecystectomy (open/laparoscopic)
003Coronary artery bypass grafting
006Hysterectomy (abdominal/vaginal/laparoscopic)
007Inguinal herniotomy/herniorrhaphy
010Prostatectomy (transurethral or open)
012Tonsillectomy (with or without adenoidectomy)
013Total hip replacement
014Total knee replacement
015Varicose veins treatment
016Myringotomy (without insertion of grommets)
017Pressure equalising tubes (grommets) - insertion of
018Abdominal or thoracic aortic aneurysm - repair/replacement
019Acromioplasty/arthroscopy shoulder/sub acromial decompression
021Amputation of limb
022Anal fissure - repair of
023Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
025Arthroplasty - revision of
028Axillary node dissection
029Bartholin's abscess drainage
030Bartholin's cyst - removal of
031Bladder neck incision
033Branchial apparatus remnant - removal of
034Breast lump - excision and/or biopsy
035Breast prosthesis - removal of
036Breast reconstruction
037Breast reduction
038Bunion (hallux valgus) - removal of
039Carotid endarterectomy
040Carpal tunnel release
041Cerebral haematoma - evacuation of
042Cervical discectomy and fusion
043Chalazion - excision of
044Chiari malformation decompression
046Cleft lip and palate - repair of
047Colectomy/anterior resection/large bowel resection
048Common peroneal nerve release
049Cone biopsy
050Congenital cardiac defect/s - procedure for
051Congenital pulmonary lesion - removal of
052Corneal graft
055Curettage and evacuation of uterus
058Dermoid cyst - removal of
059Dialysis access surgery
060Diathermy of wart/s
062Dupytren's contracture release
063Ectropion - correction of
064Endometrial ablation
065Epididymal cyst - removal of
067Examination of eye under anaesthesia
068Exostosis - excision of
069Female sterilisation
070Femoro-popliteal bypass graft
071Fracture non-union - treatment of
072Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
074Ganglion - excision of
075Hammer/claw/mallet toe - correction of
076Heart valve replacement
078Hydrocele - repair of
079Hypospadias - repair of
080Hysteroscopy, dilatation and curettage
081Insertion of ventricular peritoneal shunt
084Large loop excision of the transformation zone cervix (LLETZ)
086Lingual or maxillary frenulum surgery
088Lobectomy/wedge resection/pneumonectomy
089Lymphangioma - surgery for
095Muscle biopsy/temporal artery biopsy
096Muscle or tendon length - change of
098Nasal cautery
099Nasal polypectomy
101Neonatal surgery
103Nerve decompression
104Nerve decompression of spinal cord
109Parotidectomy/submandibular gland - excision of
110Pectus surgery
111Pedicle screw fusion
113Pharynx - excision of
114Pilonidal sinus surgery
116Posterior fossa decompression
117Probing of naso-lacrimal duct
118Procedure for strabismus (squint repair)
119Prostate biopsy
120Pterygium - excision of
121Ptosis - repair of
122Pyeloplasty/correction of ureteropelvic junction
123Pyogenic granuloma - removal of
124Radical neck dissection
125Repair of obstructing hiatus hernia
126Replacement of aortic aneurysm with bifurcation graft
127Removal of intracranial lesion
129Rotator cuff - repair of
130Salpingo-oophorectomy/oophorectomy/ovarian cystectomy
131Scar revision
132Shoulder joint replacement
133Shoulder reconstruction
134Skin lesion - excision of
136Stone/s urinary tract - removal of
137Stress incontinence surgery
138Sub-mucosal resection
139Tendon release
140Tenotomy of hip
141Thyroglossal remnant - removal of
143Toenail surgery
145Trigger finger/thumb release
147Untethering of spinal cord
148Ureteric - reimplantation
149Ureteric stent - insertion of
150Urethra - dilatation of
151Vaginal repair - anterior/posterior
152Vitrectomy (including buckling/cryotherapy)
Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
These are planned procedures for the waiting list, not what is actually performed during hospitalisation.

The data element Elective surgery waiting list episode-intended procedure replaces the data element Elective surgery waiting list episode-indicator procedure in the Elective Surgery Waiting Times NMDS.

Patients who are added to a waiting list after 1 July 2016 should be assigned an Intended procedure. For the purposes of national reporting (of the data for 2017-18 onwards), patients who were added to a waiting list before 1 July 2016, and who are still waiting as at 1 July 2017 should have their existing Indicator procedure recoded to the list of Intended procedures.

The titles of the intended procedures in this data element may not be identical to the titles of procedures included in the National Elective Surgery Urgency Categorisation Guideline - April 2015 (the Guideline). Accurate assignment of intended procedures may require reference to the additional information (such as the diagnoses for which the procedure was intended) in the Guideline. This additional information is also presented in the Comments below. The Guideline can be accessed using the link in the Reference Documents section.

Code 888 Other
All other procedures not included above.
The following is recommended for when the list of intended procedures, as described in the permissible values section, is implemented into a data recording system (for example, as a pick list of procedures in a database):

Code 019 Acromioplasty/arthroscopy shoulder/sub acromial decompression: two sub-categories should be listed to allow the selection of the type of intervention. The sub-categories could be:
(1) arthroscopic
(2) open
Waiting time statistics by procedure are useful to patients and referring doctors. In addition, waiting time data by procedure assists in planning and resource allocation, audit and performance monitoring.
Waiting list statistics for selected intended procedures give a specific indication of performance in particular areas of elective care provision. It is not always possible to code all elective surgery procedures at the time of addition to the waiting list. Reasons for this include that the surgeon may be uncertain of the exact procedure to be performed, and that the large number of procedures possible and lack of consistent nomenclature would make coding errors likely.
Codes 001 to 015 have been assigned to intended procedures that are considered to be equivalent to the procedures included in the data element Elective surgery waiting list episode-indicator procedure.
Codes 016 and 017 have been assigned to the intended procedures 'Myringotomy (without insertion of grommets)' and 'Pressure equalising tubes - insertion of' which, combined, are considered to be equivalent to the indicator procedure 'Myringotomy'.
Codes 018 to 152 have been assigned alphabetically to the remaining intended procedures.
There are some differences between the intended procedures in this data element and the list of procedures included in the National Elective Surgery Urgency Categorisation Guideline April 2015 (the Guideline). Where relevant, differences between the intended procedure and the list of procedures included in the Guideline are noted under each intended procedure code.
While the code name may not include the description 'repair of' or 'revision of', the Australian Classification of Health Interventions (ACHI) codes for these interventions may still be included in the list of ACHI codes below for each intended procedure.
Non-surgical procedures are excluded from the definition of elective surgery in Elective care waiting list episode-elective care type. The following Guideline procedures are not included in this data element as the procedures are not classified as a surgical operation on the Medicare Benefits Schedule:
- Colposcopy
- Mirena insertion
- Panendoscopy
- Retrograde pyelogram.
The phrase 'for reasons other than cosmetic' has been removed from the titles of some Guideline procedures. This is because cosmetic surgery is excluded from the definition of elective surgery in Elective care waiting list episode-elective care type.
The ACHI codes which are listed under each intended procedure in the national data element provide guidance as to what the intended procedures would be likely to include: https://meteor.aihw.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/683718/meteorItemView/long
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesData ElementDerived Data ElementElective surgery waiting list episode-intended procedureQH 042317 Version 1Superseded
Has been superseded byData ElementDerived Data ElementElective surgery waiting list episode-intended procedureQH 042317 Version 3Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementService request-planned primary procedure code (ACHI 10th edn)QH 041982 Version 2Superseded
Relates toData ElementData ElementElective surgery waiting list episode-planned procedure dateQH 040597 Version 1Current
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 1ConditionalSuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2019
Source and Reference Attributes
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
METeOR data element: Elective surgery waiting list episode-intended procedure, code NNN, identifier 683718, Health Standard 25/01/2018 https://meteor.aihw.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/683718/meteorItemView/long