[WWW - 2023.07.31]

Data Element Detail

Episode of admitted patient care-major diagnostic category (AR-DRG v10.0)
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 041588 v11
Data Element
Derived Data Element
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
Major diagnostic categories (MDCs) are 23 mutually exclusive categories into which all possible principal diagnoses fall. The diagnoses in each category correspond to a single body system or aetiology, broadly reflecting the speciality providing care. Each category is partitioned according to whether or not a surgical procedure was performed. This preliminary partitioning into major diagnostic categories occurs before a diagnosis related group is assigned.

The Australian refined diagnosis related groups (AR-DRGs) departs from the use of principal diagnosis as the initial variable in the assignment of some groups. A hierarchy of all exceptions to the principal diagnosis-based assignment to a MDC has been created. As a consequence, certain AR-DRGs are not unique to a MDC. This requires both a MDC and an AR-DRG to be generated per patient.
All admitted patient care contexts: The generation of a major diagnostic category to accompany each AR-DRG is a requirement of the latter as diagnosis related groups are not unique.
Major diagnostic category (MDC)
Representational Attributes
Numeric Character
Permissible Values


Valid MDC codes from version 10.0 of the Corporate Reference Data System (CRDS) DRG data set maintained by Statistical Standards and Strategies, Statistical Services Branch (SSB).
Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
Queensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC):
As part of QHAPDC processing of admitted patient data by SSB, MDCs are calculated using the "derived from" related data items and any discrepancies with facility calculated items are queried with the facility. Multiple AR-DRG version codes are generated and made available by the SSB for funding and reporting purposes.
This metadata item has been created to reflect the development of Australian refined diagnosis related groups (AR-DRGs) (as defined in the metadata item Episode of admitted patient care-diagnosis related group (AR-DRG v10.0). Due to the modifications in the diagnosis related group logic for the AR-DRGs, it is necessary to generate the major diagnostic category to accompany each diagnosis related group. The construction of the pre-major diagnostic category logic means diagnosis related groups are no longer unique. Certain pre-major diagnostic category diagnosis related groups may occur in more than one of the 23 major diagnostic categories.
Queensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC):
AR-DRG Version 10.0 is for use with ICD-10-AM/ACHI 11th and 12th edition codes;
  • for 2019-20 Version 9.0 will be reported
  • for 2020-21 Version 10.0 will be reported
  • for 2021-22 Version 10.0 will be reported
  • for 2022-23 Version 10.0 will be reported.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesData ElementDerived Data ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-major diagnostic category (AR-DRG v9.0)QH 041588 Version 10Superseded
Has been superseded byData ElementDerived Data ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-major diagnostic category (AR-DRG v11.0)QH 041588 Version 12Draft
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-admission dateQH 040008 Version 2Current
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-mode of separationQH 040119 Version 8Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-planned same day admission indicatorQH 040012 Version 2Current
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-separation dateQH 040117 Version 3Current
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-additional diagnosis code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041646 Version 12Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-clinical code type (ICD-10-AM/ACHI 11th edn)QH 040099 Version 8Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-clinical code type (ICD-10-AM/ACHI 11th edn)QH 040099 Version 7Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-principal diagnosis code (ICD-10-AM 11th edn)QH 041644 Version 12Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementEpisode of care-procedure code (ACHI 11th edn)QH 041650 Version 12Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementPerson-date of birthQH 040163 Version 4Current
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementPerson-sex (code)QH 040000 Version 6Current
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementPerson-sex (code)QH 040000 Version 5Superseded
Is derived fromData ElementData ElementPerson-sex (code)QH 040000 Version 4Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 2MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-201930-Jun-2023
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC) Public Hospital Services Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2020-2021QH 020693 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-202030-Jun-2021
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC) Public Hospital Services Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2021-2022QH 020781 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-202130-Jun-2022
Data Supply RequirementHHS Service AgreementQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC) Public Hospital Services Data Supply Requirement (DSR) 2022-2023QH 0140697 Version 1MandatoryCurrent01-Jul-202230-Jun-2023
Source and Reference Attributes