[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 040263 v6
Data Element
Data Element
Type of establishment (defined in terms of legislative approval, service provided and patients treated ) for each separately administered establishment, as represented by a code.

Non-residential health services are classified in terms of separately administered organisations rather than in terms of the number of sites at which care is delivered. Thus, domiciliary nursing service would be counted in terms of the number of administered entities employing nursing staff rather than in terms of the number of clinic locations used by the staff.

Establishments can cater for a number of activities and in some cases separate staff and financial details are not available for each activity. In these cases it is necessary to classify the establishment according to its predominant residential activity (measured by costs) and to allocate all the staff and finances to that activity. Where non-residential services only are provided at one establishment, that establishment is classified according to the predominant non-residential activity (in terms of costs).

Residential establishments are considered to be separately administered if managed as an independent unit in terms of financial, budgetary and activity statistics.
Queensland Health
Facility type
Representational Attributes
Numeric Character
Permissible Values


01Licensed Private Freestanding Day Surgery Centre
02Licensed Private Day Centre/Hospital
03Licensed Private Hospital - Acute other
04Unlicensed Private Acute Hospital
06Private Psychiatric Residential Facility
07Private Nursing Home For Aged - Non Profit
08Private Nursing Home For Aged - Profit
09Private Young Disabled Nursing Homes - Non-Profit
10Private Young Disabled Nursing Homes - Profit
11Private Alcohol & Drug Residential Facility
12Private Hostel For Aged - Non Profit
13Private Hostels (Excld For Aged) - Non Profit
14Private Hospice
15Private Community Health Centre - Non Profit
16Private Domiciliary Nursing Services - Non Profit
17Private Domiciliary Nursing Services - Profit
18Private Pathology Laboratory
19Private Birthing Centres
20BOOT Hospital
21Licensed Private Acute Hospital - Publicly Funded Activity
30Not recognised public hospitals
31Public Freestanding Day Surgery Centre
32Public Day Centre/Hospital
33Recognised Public Hospital - Acute Outpost
34Recognised Public Hospital - Acute other
35Public Hospital - Dental
36Public Psychiatric Residential Facility
37Public Nursing Home For Aged
38Public Young Disabled Nursing Homes
39Public Alcohol & Drug Residential Facility
40Public Community Health Facilities
41Public Hostel For Aged - State Government
42Public Hostel For Aged - Local Government
43Public Hostel (Excld for Aged) - State Government
44Public Hostel (Excld for Aged) - Local Government
45Public Hospice
46Public Domiciliary Nursing Services
47Public Pathology Laboratory
48Public Birthing Centres
49Public Community Mental Health Facility
50Public Child & Adolescent Mental Health - Community
51Public Child & Adolescent Community Health
52Public Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health - Community
53Public Alcohol and Drug - Community
54Sexual Health Services - Community
55Oral Health - Community
56Transition/Intermittent Care Program
60Regional Health Authority - Queensland Health
61Central Office - Queensland Health
62Public Community Health - Program Level
64Health Service District
65Public Trading Facility
66Public Health Unit
67Health Contact Centre
70Adult - Community health centre dental clinic
71School - fixed dental clinic
72Adult - hospital dental clinic
73Adult - community health centre dental clinic stand alone
74Adult - mobile dental clinic
75Adult - itinerant dental service
76School - mobile dental clinic
77School - itinerant dental service
80Commonwealth Hospital - Veterans' Affairs
81Commonwealth Hospital - Defence force
82Other Commonwealth Hospital
85Other Perinatal Codes
86Other QHIPS Codes
87Other Cancer Registry Codes
88Other HRM Codes
90Interstate facilities
92Correctional Centres
93Independent Living Unit
94Flexible Residential Care Service
95Residential Aged Care Facility
99Other Health Services
Supplementary Values


Collection and Usage Attributes
Establishments which provide at least minimal medical, surgical or obstetric services for inpatient treatment and/or care, and which provide round-the-clock comprehensive qualified nursing service as well as other necessary professional services. They must be licensed by the State Health department, or controlled by government departments. Most of the patients have acute conditions or temporary ailments and the average stay per admission is relatively short.

Hospitals specialising in dental, ophthalmic aids and other specialised medical or surgical care are included in this category. Hospices (establishments providing palliative care to terminally ill patients) that are freestanding and do not provide any other form of acute care are classified to hospices.

Corresponding facility types:
03 Licensed Private Hospital - Acute other
21 Licensed Private Acute Hospital - Publicly Funded Activity
33 Recognised Public Hospital - Acute Outpost
34 Recognised Public Hospital - Acute other
35 Public Hospital - Dental
80 Commonwealth Hospital - Veterans' Affairs
81 Commonwealth Hospital - Defence force
82 Other Commonwealth Hospital

Establishments devoted primarily to the treatment and care of inpatients with psychiatric, mental, or behavioural disorders. Private hospitals formerly approved by the Commonwealth Department of Health under the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cwth) (now licensed/approved by each State health authority), catering primarily for patients with psychiatric or behavioural disorders are included in this category.

Centres for the non-acute treatment of drug dependence, developmental and intellectual disability are not included here (see below). This code also excludes institutions mainly providing living quarters or day care.

Corresponding facility types:
06 Private Psychiatric Residential Facility
36 Public Psychiatric Residential Facility

Establishments which provide long-term care involving regular basic nursing care to chronically ill, frail, disabled or convalescent persons or senile inpatients. They must be approved by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing/or licensed by the State, or controlled by government departments.

Government nursing homes are nursing homes either operated by or on behalf of a State or Territory government.
Corresponding facility types:
37 Public Nursing Home For Aged
38 Public Young Disabled Nursing Homes

Private profit nursing homes are operated by private profit making individuals or bodies.
Corresponding facility types:
08 Private Nursing Home For Aged - Profit
10 Private Young Disabled Nursing Homes - Profit

Private charitable nursing homes are participating nursing homes operated by religious and charitable organisations.
Corresponding facility types:
07 Private Nursing Home For Aged - Non Profit
09 Private Young Disabled Nursing Homes - Non-Profit

Freestanding centres for the treatment of drug dependence on an admitted patient basis.

Corresponding facility types:
11 Private Alcohol & Drug Residential Facility
39 Public Alcohol & Drug Residential Facility

Establishments run by public authorities or registered non-profit organisation to provide board, lodging or accommodation for the aged, distressed or disabled who cannot live independently but do not need nursing care in a hospital or nursing home. Only hostels subsidised by the Commonwealth are included.

Separate dwellings are not included, even if subject to an individual rental rebate arrangement. Residents are generally responsible for their own provisions, but may be provided in some establishments with domestic assistance (meals, laundry, personal care). Night shelters providing only casual accommodation are excluded.

Corresponding facility types:
12 Private Hostel For Aged - Non Profit
13 Private Hostels (Excld For Aged) - Non Profit
41 Public Hostel For Aged - State Government
42 Public Hostel For Aged - Local Government
43 Public Hostel (Excld for Aged) - State Government
44 Public Hostel (Excld for Aged) - Local Government
95 Residential Aged Care Facility

Establishments providing palliative care to terminally ill patients. Only freestanding hospices which do not provide any other form of acute care are included in this category.

Corresponding facility types:
14 Private Hospice
45 Public Hospice

Includes both the traditional day centre/hospital and also freestanding day surgery centres.

Day centres/hospitals are establishments providing a course of acute treatment on a full-day or part-day non-residential attendance basis at specified intervals over a period of time. Sheltered workshops providing occupational or industrial training are excluded.

Corresponding facility types:
02 Licensed Private Day Centre/Hospital
32 Public Day Centre/Hospital

Freestanding day surgery centres are hospital facilities providing investigation and treatment for acute conditions on a day-only basis and are approved by the Commonwealth for the purposes of basic table health insurance benefits.

Corresponding facility types:
01 Licensed Private Freestanding Day Surgery Centre
31 Public Freestanding Day Surgery Centre

Services administered by public authorities or registered non-profit organisations which employ full-time equivalent medical or paramedical staff (nurses, nursing aides, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and psychologists, but not trade instructors or teachers). This definition distinguishes health services from welfare services (not within the scope of the National Minimum Data Project) and thereby excluded such services as sheltered workshops, special schools for the intellectually disabled, meals on wheels and baby clinics offering advisory services but no actual treatment. Non-residential health services should be enumerated in terms of services or organisations rather than in terms of the number of sites at which care is delivered.

Non-residential health services provided by a residential establishment (for example, domiciliary nursing service which is part of a public hospital) should not be separately enumerated.

Community Health Centres:
Public or registered non-profit establishments in which a range of non-residential health services is provided in an integrated and coordinated manner, or which provides for the coordination of health services elsewhere in the community.

Corresponding facility types:
15 Private Community Health Centre - Non Profit
40 Public Community Health Facilities

Domiciliary Nursing Services:
Public or registered non-profit or profit making establishments providing nursing or other professional paramedical care or treatment to patients in their own homes or in (non-health) residential institutions. Establishments providing domestic or housekeeping assistance are excluded by the general definition above.

Corresponding facility types:
16 Private Domiciliary Nursing Services - Non Profit
17 Private Domiciliary Nursing Services - Profit
46 Public Domiciliary Nursing Services

A birth centre is a facility where women are able to birth in an environment which:
(a) is freestanding or physically separate from a labour ward but has access to emergency medical facilities for both mother and child if required;
(b) has home-like atmosphere;
(c) focuses on a model of care (eg midwifery model) which ensures continuity of care/caregiver; a family-centred approach; and informed client participation in choices related to the management of care.

Note: Admission to the Birth Centre program is usually based on criteria which address risk factors. Transfer to a labour ward may occur according to criteria where deviation from the normal childbirth process requires medical intervention not accommodated by the birth centre.
("Physically separate" refers to a unit which has self-contained facilities and separate staffing arrangements from a labour ward within the same complex).

Corresponding facility types:
19 Private Birthing Centres
48 Public Birthing Centres

"Build, Own, Operate, Transfer" Hospitals.

Corresponding facility type:
20 BOOT Hospital

Non-residential community health facilities that provide specialised community based health services for defined target groups, for example mental health, drug and alcohol, sexual assault.

Corresponding facility types:
49 Public Community Mental Health Facility
50 Public Child & Adolescent Mental Health - Community
51 Public Child & Adolescent Community Health
52 Public Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health - Community
53 Public Alcohol and Drug - Community
54 Sexual Health Services - Community
55 Oral Health - Community

Community health facilities that represent reporting at program level.

Corresponding facility type:
62 Public Community Health - Program Level

Facilities that provide corporate governance and support services for Queensland Health and its customers in order to improve and support health services.

Corresponding facility type:
61 Central Office - Queensland Health

Corrective Services facilities include prisons, community corrections centres and work camps.

Corresponding facility type:
92 Correctional Centres

Responsible for the operation of 13 HEALTH, a 24 hour, seven-day-a-week statewide service providing access to health information, triage and referral to the people of Queensland.

Corresponding facility type:
67 Health Contact Centre

Independent Living Units are residential communities that offer a range of services for independent older people, and are regulated by state and territory governments.

Corresponding facility type:
93 Independent Living Unit

Facilities that provide an integrated service approach for residential, community and respite care for rural and regional areas who are isolated from main stream services or where separate health and aged care services may not be viable.

For reporting purposes, the hospital component is reported separately from the Multi-Purpose Health Service.

Corresponding facility type:
94 Flexible Residential Care Service

Core clinical oral health services include specialist support, acute, urgent, routine and prevention/promotion.

Corresponding facility types:
70 Adult - Community health centre dental clinic
71 School - fixed dental clinic
72 Adult - hospital dental clinic
73 Adult - community health centre dental clinic stand alone
74 Adult - mobile dental clinic
75 Adult - itinerant dental service
76 School - mobile dental clinic
77 School - itinerant dental service

Facilities that perform a variety of pathology test procedures and microscopic examinations. Pathology laboratories are located within hospitals, clinics, and stand-alone facilities, and are either privately owned or operated by public health agencies.

Corresponding facility types:
18 Private Pathology Laboratory
47 Public Pathology Laboratory

Public Health Units focus on
- protecting health
- preventing disease, illness and injury
- promoting health well-being
at a population/whole of community level. This is distinct from the role of the rest of the health system whose primary focus is on health care services to individuals and families.

Corresponding facility type:
66 Public Health Unit

Government facilities licensed to manufacture and/or sell products/services to Queensland Health hospitals.

Corresponding facility type:
65 Public Trading Facility

Statutory body with responsibility for promoting the health of people within their defined geographic area, and for ensuring the delivery of health services within that area.

Corresponding facility type:
60 Regional Health Authority - Queensland Health

Facilities that provide short-term support and active management for older people at the interface of the acute/sub-acute and residential aged care sectors. Transition care can be delivered in either a residential or community setting.

Corresponding facility type:
56 Transition/Intermittent Care Program

Facilities that do not meet the criteria for any of the above facility types.

Corresponding facility types:
85 Other Perinatal Codes
86 Other QHIPS (Queensland Health Inpatient System) Codes
87 Other Cancer Registry Codes
88 Other HRM (Human Resource Management) Codes
90 Interstate facilities
91 Overseas
99 Other Health Services
This version includes the following: - addition of new facility type 21 Licensed Private Acute Hospital - Publicly Funded Activity - addition of supplementary facility types 85-88 and 90-91 - change of name for facility type 64 (District Health Service to Health Service District)
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesData ElementData ElementFacility typeQH 040263 Version 5Superseded
Has been superseded byData ElementData ElementHealthcare provider-facility typeQH 040263 Version 7Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionCorporate Reference Data System (CRDS) - Facility Data SetQH 020271 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-200930-Jun-2010
Information AssetData CollectionMonthly Activity Collection (MAC)QH 020008 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-200930-Jun-2010
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Cancer Registry (QCR) Data CollectionQH 020002 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jul-200930-Jun-2010
Source and Reference Attributes
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
METeOR identifier 269971 Establishment-establishment type, sector and services provided code AN.N{.N}, Health, Standard 01/03/2005