[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 040000 v1
Data Element
Data Element
The sex of the person.
Required for analyses of service utilisation, needs for services and epidemiological studies.
Sex of client
Gender (CESA - Client demographics screen)
Representational Attributes
Permissible Values


Supplementary Values


9Not stated/unknown
Collection and Usage Attributes
To avoid problems with edits, transsexuals undergoing a sex change operation should have their sex at time of the hospital admission recorded.

Note that indeterminate will generally only be used for neonatal patients where the sex has not been determined.

In the output reporting environment, for confidentiality purposes, indeterminate values are recoded to female.
Code 3 not currently used in Queensland Cancer Registry.

The unknown code 9 is assigned internally by QHAPDC and should not be included in data sent electronically.

'Indeterminate' is not applicable in the mental health setting (it is usually used in the classification of babies with congenital anomalies when it is not possible for sex to be determined).
Where doubt exists (eg in the case of transsexuals) use 9 - inadequately described.
The term 'sex' refers to the biological differences between males and females, while the term 'gender' refers to the socially expected/perceived dimensions of behaviour associated with males and females - masculinity and femininity. The ABS advises that the correct terminology for this data element is sex. Information collection for transsexuals and people with transgender issues should be treated in the same manner.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
Has been superseded byData ElementData ElementPerson-sexQH 040000 Version 2Superseded
Is used in the calculation ofData ElementData ElementDiagnosis related group (DSU calculated)QH 040144 Version 2Superseded
Is used in the calculation ofData ElementData ElementDiagnosis related group (Facility calculated)QH 040097 Version 2Superseded
Is used in the derivation ofData ElementData ElementDiagnosis related group (DSU calculated)QH 040144 Version 1Superseded
Is used in the derivation ofData ElementData ElementDiagnosis related group (Facility calculated)QH 040097 Version 1Superseded
Is used in the derivation ofData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-diagnosis related group (AR-DRG v4.2)QH 041587 Version 1Superseded
Is used in the derivation ofData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-diagnosis related group (AR-DRG v5.0)QH 041587 Version 2Superseded
Is used in the derivation ofData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-major diagnostic category (AR-DRG v4.2)QH 041588 Version 1Superseded
Is used in the derivation ofData ElementData ElementEpisode of admitted patient care-major diagnostic category (AR-DRG v5.0)QH 041588 Version 2Superseded
Is used in the derivation ofData ElementData ElementMajor diagnostic category (DSU calculated)QH 040145 Version 2Superseded
Is used in the derivation ofData ElementData ElementMajor diagnostic category (Facility calculated)QH 040098 Version 2Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData RepositoryDeath RegistrationsQH 020227 Version 1MandatorySuperseded25-Nov-199930-Jun-2004
Information AssetData CollectionElective Surgery Data Collection (ESDC)QH 020110 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jun-199630-Jun-2004
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Cancer Registry (QCR) Data CollectionQH 020002 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jan-198230-Jun-2004
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)QH 020003 Version 1MandatorySuperseded01-Jan-198730-Jun-2004
Source and Reference Attributes