[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 041754 v1
Data Element
Data Element
The type of activity, qualified by service provider, delivered by a provider facility during a Telehealth session.
Telehealth admitted patient
Telehealth session event type/provider type
Service type
Representational Attributes
Numeric Character
Permissible Values


07Ward round - medical officer
08Ward round - other health professional
09Clinical consultation - medical officer
10Clinical consultation - other health professional
11Discharge planning case conference - medical officer
12Discharge planning case conference - other health professional
13Cancer care case conference - medical officer
14Cancer care case conference - other health professional
15Psychiatric case conference - medical officer
16Psychiatric case conference - other health professional
17Multidisciplinary case conference - medical officer
18Multidisciplinary case conference - other health professional
Supplementary Values


99Not stated/unknown
Collection and Usage Attributes
Code 07 Ward round - medical officer
Ward round delivered via videoconference where the service provider is a general physician or medical officer.

Code 08 Ward round - other health professional
Ward round delivered via videoconference where the service provider is an allied health professional or clinical nurse specialist.

Code 09 Clinical consultation - medical officer
Clinical consultation delivered via videoconference where the service provider is a general physician or medical officer. Includes Retrieval Service Queensland (RSQ).

Code 10 Clinical consultation - other health professional
Clinical consultation delivered via videoconference where the service provider is an allied health professional or clinical nurse specialist.

Code 11 Discharge planning case conference - medical officer
Code 12 Discharge planning case conference - other health professional
Code 13 Cancer care case conference - medical officer
Code 14 Cancer care case conference - other health professional
Code 15 Psychiatric case conference - medical officer
Code 16 Psychiatric case conference - other health professional
Code 17 Multidisciplinary team case conference - medical officer
Code 18 Multidisciplinary team case conference - other health professional

Codes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 relate to case conferences delivered via videoconference for the purpose of establishing and coordinating the management of the care needs of the patient.
- For codes 11, 13, 15 and 17 the service provider is a general physician or medical officer.
- For codes 12, 14, 16 and 18 the service provider is an allied health professional or clinical nurse specialist.

A case conference requires the involvement of a minimum of two formal care providers from different disciplines, each of whom provides a different kind of care or service to the patient.

Although they may attend the case conference, neither the patient nor his or her informal carer, can be counted toward the minimum of two care providers.

To be Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) eligible, additional criteria must be met.

Code 98 Other
Other type of clinical activity delivered via videoconference.

Code 99 Not stated/unknown
Not stated or unknown type of clinical activity delivered via videoconference.
All admitted patient Telehealth activity is recorded by the Queensland Health Recipient (Originator) facility where the patient is admitted.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
Has been superseded byData ElementData ElementTelehealth session-admitted patient Telehealth event type (HBCIS)QH 041754 Version 2Superseded
Is related but not equivalent toData ElementData ElementTelehealth session-admitted patient Telehealth event typeQH 041569 Version 1Superseded
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptTelehealth event (admitted patient)QH 041570 Version 1Current
Relates toData ElementData Element ConceptTelehealth sessionQH 041555 Version 1Current
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC)QH 020001 Version 1ConditionalSuperseded01-Jul-201530-Jun-2016
Source and Reference Attributes