[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 042079 v1
Data Element
Data Element
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
The significance of a contributing care factor to a perinatal mortality.
Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)
Contributing care factor significance in perinatal death
Representational Attributes
Permissible Values


1Contributing care factor(s) significance identified but unlikely to have contributed to outcome (insignificant)
2Contributing care factor(s) significance identified might have contributed to outcome (possible)
3Contributing care factor(s) significance identified likely to have contributed to outcome (significant)
7Contributing care factor(s) significance not assigned
Supplementary Values


9Contributing care factor(s) significance not stated/unknown
Collection and Usage Attributes
Code 1 Contributing care factor(s) significance identified but unlikely to have contributed to outcome (insignificant)
The significance of a care factor(s) was identified following review but was considered not likely to have contributed to the perinatal death.

Code 2 Contributing care factor(s) significance identified might have contributed to outcome (possible)
The significance of a care factor(s) was identified following review that was considered possibly to have contributed to the perinatal death.

Code 3 Contributing care factor(s) significance identified likely to have contributed to outcome (significant)
The significance of a care factor(s) was identified following review and was considered likely to have contributed to the perinatal death.

Code 7 Contributing care factor(s) significance not assigned
The significance of a care factor(s) was not assigned following review as having contributed to the perinatal death. For example, the review panel did not assign significance to any factors.

Code 9 Contributing care factor(s) significance not stated/unknown
The significance of a care factor(s) having contributed to the perinatal death was not known. For example, there was no panel review undertaken, so factor significance was not stated/unknown.
Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC):
Must not be null if Perinatal death-contributing care factor presence is code 2 (Contributing care factor(s) related to the woman/her family/social situation), 3 (Contributing care factor(s) related to access to care), 4 (Contributing care factor(s) related to professional care), 7 (Contributing care factor(s) not assigned), 8 (Contributing care factor(s) other) or 9 (Contributing care factor(s) not stated/unknown).
Must be null if Perinatal death-contributing care factor presence is code 1 (Contributing care factor(s) not present).
Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC):
This data element is recorded internally by QPDC staff after classification by the Queensland Maternal and Perinatal Quality Council (QMPQC) and is associated with the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand - Perinatal Death Code (PSANZ-PDC).
This data element enables contributory care factor data collection and reporting on perinatal deaths.
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
Relates toData ElementData ElementPerinatal death-contributing care factor presenceQH 042078 Version 1Current
Implementation in Metadata Sets


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ViewMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifer & VersionObligationApproval StatusEffective FromEffective To
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)QH 020003 Version 2ConditionalCurrent01-Jul-2019
Information AssetData CollectionQueensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)QH 020003 Version 1ConditionalSuperseded01-Jul-201730-Jun-2019
Source and Reference Attributes
National Maternal and Perinatal Quality Committee (NMPQC)