Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-record type must be D (Baby's birth code).
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = L (Labour and delivery complication), P (Puerperium complication) or M (Neonatal morbidity) then
Must be a valid ICD-10-AM diagnosis code up to five characters (do not use punctuation), left adjusted and space filled from the right.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = L (Labour and delivery complication) then
Record must not exist if Birth event-labour and delivery complication indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth event-labour and delivery complication indicator = 2.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = P (Puerperium complication) then
Record must not exist if Female-puerperium complication indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Female-puerperium complication indicator = 2.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = M (Neonatal morbidity) then
Record must not exist if Neonatal morbidity (flag) =1 or 9.
Record must exist if Neonatal morbidity (flag) = 2.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = C (Congenital anomaly) then
Record must not exist if Congenital anomaly (flag) = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Congenital anomaly (flag) = 2 or 3.
Must be a valid ICD-10-AM diagnosis code up to five characters (do not use punctuation) in the range Q00-Q9999 or D181 or R294, left adjusted and space filled from the right.
Must contain one character code for Position of congenital anomaly following the ICD-10-AM code:
1=Right, 2=Left, 3=Bilateral, 4=Unilateral (unspecified), 5=Anterior, 6=Posterior, 7=Central/midline, 8=Not applicable, 9=Not stated.
Must contain one character code for Congenital anomaly (flag) following the position code:
1=No, 2=Yes, 3=Suspected, 9=Not stated/unknown.
Must contain one character code for Birth-congenital anomaly diagnosed prior to birth indicator following the indicator code:
1=No, 2=Yes, 9=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = I (Induction/augmentation) then
Validated against list of induction/augmentation codes.
Record must not exist if Birth event-labour onset type =1 or 3.
Record must not exist if Birth event-induction/augmentation indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth event-labour onset type = 2.
Record must exist if Birth event-induction/augmentation indicator = 2.
Must be one character Birth event-induction/augmentation method code:
1=Artificial rupture of membranes, 2=Oxytocin, 3=Prostaglandins, 6=Mechanical cervical dilatation, 7=Antiprogestogen, 8=Other, 9=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = A (Pharmacological analgesia) then
Validated against list of pharmacological analgesia codes.
Record must not exist if Birth event-pharmacological analgesia administered indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth event-pharmacological analgesia administered indicator = 2.
Must be two character Birth event-type of pharmacological analgesia administered code:
02=Nitrous oxide, 04=Epidural, 05=Spinal, 07=Caudal, 08=Systemic opioid (inc IM/IV narcotic), 10=Combined spinal-epidural, 19=Other, 99=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = S (Anaesthesia) then
Validated against list of anaesthesia codes.
Record must not exist if Birth event-anaesthesia administered indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth event-anaesthesia administered indicator = 2.
Must be two character Birth event-type of anaesthesia administered code:
02=Local anaesthetic to perineum, 03=Pudendal, 04=Epidural, 05=Spinal, 06=General anaesthesia, 07=Caudal, 10=Combined spinal-epidural, 19=Other, 99=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = R (Resuscitation) then
Validated against list of resuscitation codes.
Record must not exist if Resuscitation used (flag) = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Resuscitation used (flag) = 2.
Must be two character Resuscitation method code:
02=Suction (oral, pharyngeal etc), 03=Suction of meconium (oral, pharyngeal etc), 04=Suction of meconium via ETT, 05=Facial oxygen, 06=Bag and mask, 07=IPPV via ETT, 08=Narcotic antagonist injection, 09=External cardiac massage, 11=Adrenalin/sodium bicarbonate, 12=Other drugs, 19=Other stimulations, 99=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = T (Neonatal treatment) then
Validated against list of neonatal treatment codes.
Record must not exist if Birth-neonatal treatment indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth-neonatal treatment indicator = 2.
If treatment code not null or 99 then Neonatal morbidity code to indicate reason for treatment must be provided.
Must be two character Birth-neonatal treatment type code:
02=Oxygen for more than 4 hours, 03=Phototherapy, 04=Intravenous (IV)/Intramuscular (IM) antibiotics, 05=Intravenous (IV) fluid, 06=Mechanical ventilation, 07=Intra-arterial (IA) line, 08=Exchange transfusion, 10=Blood glucose monitoring, 11=Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), 12=Oro/nasogastric feeds, 19=Other, 99=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = N (Non-pharmacological analgesia) then
Validated against list of non-pharmacological analgesia codes.
Record must not exist if Birth event-non-pharmacological analgesia administered/used indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth event-non-pharmacological analgesia administered/used indicator = 2.
Must be two character Birth event-type of non-pharmacological analgesia administered/used code:
02=Heat pack, 03=Birth ball, 04=Massage, 05=Shower, 06=Water immersion, 07=Aromatherapy, 08=Homoeopathy, 09=Acupuncture, 10=TENS, 11=Water injection, 98=Other, 99=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = F (Type of fluid received in 24 hours prior to discharge) then
Validated against a list of type of fluid the baby received during 24 hours prior to discharge/transfer/death codes if not blank.
Record must not exist if Birth-fluid received in 24 hours prior to discharge indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth-fluid received in 24 hours prior to discharge indicator = 2.
Must be blank if Birth-birth status = 2.
Must not be blank if Birth-birth status =1.
Must be blank if Discharge status of mother/baby = 4.
Must be one character Product of birth-fluid type received in 24 hours prior to discharge code:
1=Breast milk/colostrum, 2=Infant formula, 3=Water, fruit juice or water-based products, 4=Nil fluids by mouth, 9=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = D (Type of fluid received at anytime during the birth episode) then
Validated against a list of type of fluid the baby received at any time from birth to discharge if not blank.
Record must not exist if Birth-fluid received any time prior to discharge indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth-fluid received any time prior to discharge indicator = 2.
Must be blank if Birth-birth status = 2.
Must not be blank if Birth-birth status = 1.
Must be blank if Discharge status of mother/baby = 4.
Must be one character Product of birth-fluid type received any time prior to discharge code:
1=Breast milk/colostrum, 2=Infant formula, 3=Water, fruit juice or water-based products, 4=Nil fluids by mouth, 9=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = E (Extra text) then
First two letters validated against list of extra text identifiers.
Record must not exist if Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-extra text indicator = 1.
Record must exist if Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-extra text indicator = 2.
Must be two character Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby record extra text code (see below) followed by up to 120 characters of free text:
IM=Main reason for induction, IO=Reason for induction additional 1, IT=Reason for induction additional 2, FV=Reason forceps/vacuum, CM=Main reason for caesarean, CO= First Additional Reason for Caesarean, CT= Second additional reason for caesarean, LD=Labour/delivery complication, PU=Puerperium complication, NM=Neonatal morbidity, CA=Congenital anomaly, RN=Reason admission to ICN/SCN.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = B (Alternative feeding method code) then
Validated against a list of alternative feeding methods if not blank.
Record must not exist if Birth-alternative feeding method used prior to discharge indicator = 1 or 9.
Record must exist if Birth-alternative feeding method used prior to discharge indicator = 2.
Must be blank if Discharge status of mother/baby = 2.
Must be two character Birth-type of alternative feeding method used prior to discharge code:
02=Bottle, 03=Cup, 04=Syringe, 98=Other, 99=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = G (Thromboprophylaxis code) then
Validated against list of thromboprophylaxis codes.
Record must exist if Caesarean section event-puerperium thromboprophylaxis administered indicator = 2.
Record must not exist if Caesarean section event-puerperium thromboprophylaxis administered indicator = 1 or 9.
Must be one character Caesarean section event-type of puerperium thromboprophylaxis administered code:
2=Pharmacological thromboprophylaxis, 3=Intermittent calf compression, 4=TED Stockings, 8=Other thromboprophylaxis, 9=Not stated/unknown.
If Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC)-baby's code type = V (Perineal status code) then
Validated against list of perineal codes.
Record must exist if Female (mother)-perineal damage during birth indicator = 2.
Record must not exist if Female (mother)-perineal damage during birth indicator =1.
Must be two character Female (mother)-state of perineum following birth code:
02=1st degree laceration/vaginal graze, 03=2nd degree laceration, 04=3rd degree laceration, 05=4th degree laceration, 06=Episiotomy, 98= Other perineal laceration, rupture or tear, 99=Not stated/unknown.