[WWW - 2023.07.31]
Identifying and Definitional Attributes
QH 020101 v2
Information Asset
Data Collection
Information Management Strategic Governance Committee (IMSGC), Queensland Health
Information from the register of notifiable conditions in Queensland.
NOCS Data Collection
Strategic Alignment Attributes
Used for monitoring trends in notifiable communicable diseases and informing public health action undertaken by Public Health Units.
Would be unable to perform state-wide epidemiologic analysis of notifiable conditions. Assists in management of outbreaks of notifiable conditions. Maintenance of this register is required under legislation (Public Health Act 2005).
Collection and Usage Attributes
Information used to inform public health by alerting authorities to individual cases that need to be managed, detect clusters of cases that may identify public health risk, population health data which provides information on patterns of disease.
Queensland wide. All notifiable conditions reported to Queensland Health.
Multiple tables and fields for persons, addresses, test results and enhanced surveillance for many diseases.
Department of Health, Public Health Units in Hospital and Health Services (HHS).
Weekly summaries at state wide and HHS level.
Not publicly available. Hosted within the Queensland Health (QH) network.
Must be a QH employee of specific role, with an active registered account.
Generally, aggregated data released. In specific circumstances, private and confidential information can be released in accordance with the Public Health Act 2005.
Data collected on standard forms from clinicians, pathology laboratories and hospitals.

Electronic transfer and manual data entry of notifiable results from public and private pathology laboratories.
Notifications of conditions,
Commonwealth requirement for reporting of notifiable conditions; NoCS sends notifications to the Commonwealth Communicable Diseases Register (NNDSS) daily.
As of 13/06/2019 the Notifiable Conditions System (NoCS) is currently in the design phase of a replacement project. Part of the work already completed has resulted in modification of the large majority of data elements and some will become obsolete. Once the data elements are finalised the Data Custodian will work with Statistical Services Branch to include the data elements for the new system in the Queensland Health Data Dictionary (QHDD).
Relational Attributes
Related Metadata References

Related Metadata References_IR

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ViewRelationshipMetadata Item TypeMetadata Item SubtypeNameIdentifier & VersionApproval Status
SupersedesInformation AssetData CollectionNotifiable Conditions System (NOCS) Data CollectionQH 020101 Version 1Superseded
Implementation in Metadata Sets


No Metadata Items
Included Data Elements and Performance Indicators

Included DE

No Metadata Items
Source and Reference Attributes
Queensland Health: AUSLAB Private Laboratories: SNP, QML, Mater